
PLEASE help me, scared :(?

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Hello I'm 19 years old and I am 28 weeks pregnant, today i was standing up making myself a drink and i got a pain all around my lower back and belly then it went all the way up through my bum!! it was really very painful i had to sit down, i no this sounds gross (sorry) but i felt as if i had to pass wind, but as i pushed the pain was so intense, it lasted for about 2 minutes then went, now i feel the baby moving and kicking me very low in my belly, just above my knicker line it feels really heavy and I'm getting strange twinges now. just really worried what this is?




  1. It sounds normal but if you feel uncomfortable call your doctor.

  2. Sounds like braxton hicks, these are practise contractions which start around your stage of pregnancy.

    But please if you are very worried about this phone up your midwife, and discuss what you experienced with them.

    Good luck with it all ;-)

  3. Call your doctor. Ugh.

  4. Yes, you should see a doctor. But, it does sound as if the baby is stretching your stomach. And gas can cause a LOT of pain.

    Just let it out. :o)

  5. Your baby is moveing lower and streching your belly even more

  6. See a doctor.

  7. So to the doctor could be going throwm preterm labor.

  8. I think it would be good if you go ahead on to the hospital just be to on the safe side. I hope u be okay

  9. I dont think its labour, because labour pains are a lot more painful than mere twinges.  The baby is getting bigger now, and has probably moved into a position which is uncomfortable for you.

    I would call the midwife to double check everything is ok, but to be honest, it doesnt sound like anythin alarming - part of the normal course of pregnancy.

  10. sound like the baby is just getting into the right position to be born or even just growing pains, baby's grow alot in the last few months and they move around alot, just drink more water and if it keeps happening tell your doctor and see when he/she says

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