
PLEASE help me out here!?

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i really really need to get started on this paper i have to do because i want to get into journalism but u have to submit your entry form with a journalism anyways, i can write about anything i want that would make an interesting story (it has to be factual of course) i was thinking about doing it on the amytiville horror house but im not 100% sure about that yet, so i was wondering if u could please help me get some ideas....thank you:)




  1. Do something about your hometown, every town is interesting, just need to know where to look.

  2. Rule # 1 Write about something you know about.

    Be factual, use sources and, for Pete's sake, use spell check.

    Write about something that interests you, then interview a couple of people. Editors love quotes.

    People like to read quotes.

    Good luck.

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