I need to write an essay/letter for my new honors language arts teacher, and I really want to make a good impression. Please, I have really choppy writing and I hate it! So could you please tell me where it's choppy and give me suggestions to fix it? If its bad could you tell me, if its fast or just overall unprofessional, and not friendly enough to be a letter, please let me know and give me suggestions to fix it! PLease! This has been revised a few times, for I posted this quesiton a lot here and took into consideration all my wonderful answers:) THANK YOU!
Hello, my name is Kim, and my interests are reading, writing, politics, and meaningful music. For example, soft rock that tells a story, and that get’s you thinking, even though sometimes that’s a lot to expect from a three minute song. That’s also what I look for in my reading. A flat out good story, nothing sad, unless it truly get’s me curious, and nothing that doesn’t leave me pining for more, like the novel Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer, which I finished in a clean two days. As for my interest in politics, I will just leave you with the fact that I tend to be arrogant with my views and I guess you don’t want ten pages of my ranting on your desk.
As for my goals, I think that it’s more about your work than the actual goal. Of course goals are necessary in your journey, but I think that what really defines people is whether or not they choose to really work at it. I myself have a hard time choosing to stay working for my goals, like having straight A’s, or putting as much focus as possible on my sport, Tae Kwon Do. Hopefully, I’ll be a black belt in November. I’m proud to say that that is one of my few goals that I’m close to accomplishing. But I think I’m getting better at working for success. I always do better, I think, when I have a clean slate to work with, like eighth grade.
In High School, I hope to be a part of the Youth and Government program. Perhaps all different sides can help tame my arrogant side. I might even try and find some sort of writers workshop because my weaknesses like choppy sentences and grammatical errors stick out at me like a sore thumb. I hope that your class can help with that too! But as for my far-away future, I figure I might as well not even bother choosing a profession or a college yet, since being a writer, musician, or politician are the farthest things from my mind, even though those are my favorite things! I know that when the time comes, I’ll have had enough experiences and interests to decide.
In conclusion, I am very excited to be in your class. I think that all of the reading and writing you do will help you teach me about my mistakes and how to perfect my work. As for my goals, I will continue to strive to finishing them, one at a time.