
PLEASE help with studying!!

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I need to know some good studying habits.

please if you have some good ways to study please help because i dont have the best of grades. like i have like 1or 2 a's but mostly b's and c's!!




  1. It depends on what type of test you are taking and what material you are covering.  For instance, the best way to study is to make sure you read everything when it is assigned.  That way you are not playing catch up, and you don't have to reread volumes of material.  If you have read lots of articles take time before the test to skim the articles again.   Read the introduction and the conclusions to remind yourself what the articles are about.  

    Study groups are usually helpful.  Having friends get together helps you understand the material, and they often help you remember.  

  2. It will be helpful to you to know how you learn best.  If you can find a learning styles inventory online, it would be good for you to find out if you are a visual learner, auditory, etc.  Once you know how you learn best, do the things that most help you.  For example, I am a visual and kinesthetic learner.  If I have to study material, I'll assemble all of it so I can see it, and then I'll start copying notes - - not typing it, but handwriting it.  There is something about copying it out by hand that helps get the information into my brain!  If you are an auditory learner, you might want to get a recording device and read your notes out loud into the recorder and then play it back.  If you do well with music, put it on; if music distracts you, study in quiet.  If you work well with others (an interpersonal learner), find a good friend who also is motivated to study, and set up a study session.  Take turns questioning each other on the material.  If you tend to lose your concentration, try chewing peppermint gum or eating mints (peppermint).  Do specific exercises to help your brain - - cross the median (the vertical middle line) of your body - place your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder (give yourself a hug).  Even crossing your legs will help a little.  (Look online at different exercises you can do to increase your focus).  Drink water - it's good for your brain!  (Don't gulp -- sip!)

    Set up a study schedule for yourself.  Discipline is key to studying well.  Be sure to include scheduled breaks.  Too much studying will wear you out.  Get outside for fresh air - call a friend.  Be sure you're eating plenty of protein and not eating too many sweets.  If your blood sugar soars from eating a doughnut, for example, the next thing that will happen is that your blood sugar will take a nose dive and you'll feel tired and ready for a nap.  Not a good thing for studying.  Unless, of course, you've scheduled a nap -- then do it!  Anyway, I've thrown a lot of ideas at you - I hope something here will be helpful.  Good luck!

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