
PLEASE!! i really really need ur help.....pretty easy 10 pts but read on!!!!?

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ok so my waist is like 25/26 when i buy jeans i usually buy size 25/26 depending on brand..........only in Garage i buy size 27... Canadian stores cuz i live in canada :)

and my b*****s are 32 B.

and my hips are like 30 or something(likethe butt area.) i think.. but the other 2 masurements are rite

and i weigh like 92-93lbs

i look really really skinny i hate it

like boney skinny...but im naturally small boned ....never been fat in my life.......and my doctor says i am fine

i m 15 turned fifteen in july and my height 5'2-5'3

and i have a reaally small waist i HATE IT!! when i wear tops they look soo bad on me....lil waist..dont tell me i should be happy but i wanna gain more there... and get a figure

i cant go to the gym to work out,.......and i cant do much weight lifting at home.....i know nothing but i wanna gain kinda natrally......i take Centrum Forte but i dont wanna take anything else

and my arms are like sticks and so are my legs

tell me what is flattering on me please each Canada stores

i look more 13 ish than 15 i'd say :p

dontell me to eat fatty stuff please

skinny jeans make my legsl ook like sticks so dont recommend that.

so if u have some links to stuff show me

answer all this and urs is 10pts best answer

and tell me what kinda body shape i have thanks




  1. okay, heres some healthy ways to gain weight:

    some clothes that would be more flattering on you would maybe be a babydoll top, and straight leg or boot cut jeans. they should make your legs look a little fuller.

    and try finding jeans with details on the back pockets, it would make your butt look fuller. i would say your body shape is like a stick, because you dont have any curves.

    this might be something you just have to grow out of. to build muscle, instead of going to the gym you could try out for a sport at school. swimming helps build leg and arm muscle and that would make your arms and legs look bigger.

    hope i helped :)

  2. that's too much for me to read

  3. Your only 15, in the next couple of years your body will fill out and you'll look more womanly, rather than girly. Your hips/thighs/butt will fill out and your bobs will get bigger too. Also, as you get older your metabolism may slow down resulting in you putting on weight naturally. For the time being just dress for your body type... low riding skinny jeans and a fitted band tshirt maybe.  

  4. yes friend.Note down this easy tip

             drink milk in which honey is added to it, during day and night,regularly.

    you will get a figure n gain weight within weeks.


  5. Sorry I don't really know how to help you. I am skinny too but I like everything about myself except my arms and legs. I wear boot leg jeans that are a bit wider at the bottom but tight at the top. This makes my legs look less skinny ( yeah i hate skinny jeans too).

    Everyone in my family tells me that I will gain weight eventually when I get older so I'll just live with what I got now. My aunt was still extremely skinny AFTER she had her first baby. Now, she struggles with her weight and she is always trying new diets to LOSE weight. My advice: try gaining muscle instead of fat because that is more healthy and you'll get fit by doing this as well as gaining the weight that you want. Eat lots of protein and I know everyone says eating more every day will make you gain weight but if you eat 3 meals it will be enough because you will store more of the fat.

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  6. If you think your b*****s are small try wearing tops that show off your back. Trust me it works.  

  7. i completly understand!!!! im the same way, but im only 13, im 5'0 and 83 pounds with a bust of 32A lol. well im a gymnast.. but it doesnt bother me that much anymore. i had alot of people ask me if i was on a diet.. it bothered me ALOT. but poeople know im a competitive gymnast, so they understand. im short andskinny. and they think thats what gymnasts are supposed to be i guess.. i would just suggest eat more healthy foods, not fattening. just try to eat MORE healthy stuff, it wont s***w up your health, but you might gain weight. im not a doctor or anything.. but yeah. lol

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