
PLEASE.. please please.. i beg.. help me in this one please. please just try reading.. please:(. (mental)?

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i am dying to know what anxiety really is. i am burden with so may things right now that i know i shouldn't be worried. it affects my life very much although i try to act normal in front of everyone. but you know? its really getting hard for me.. i just wanna ask you do u think this is anxiety?..

when i was in 1st yr college im experiencing problems [about my self] and that time i would say my mind is still fixed. what i mean is that i can still mingle, i can still be my "not self" w/o having problems but then later on things are always not going right, specifically about me. my behavior towards some events, towards my friend, a lot of things.. but then i can still pinpoint the problem although i can't say it directly, anyway..

when summer starts this may i told myself i will fix my prob so that when i became a sophomore i will enjoy my life again and although i totally don't wanna go to a psych i went w/o my parents consent. unfortunately it didnt help.. but because i want to fix myself this summer i didnt have contact w/ my friends because i know it will just made me awkward. i became "loner" and started to have thoughts that made me more confused.. lots of unwanted thoughts that made me not get a grip of what my real problem is.. these thoughts are the ones that appear when im in a deep reflection/analyzation of my problem. these thoughts made me feel like my world is different.. now can you give me an idea of what these thoughts are?

I BEG YOU.. i really wanna get over this as soon as pissible..




  1. Okay, I hear your need to solve this immediately. Take that pressure off yourself. It isn't going to go away instantly.

    It is correct that you do not need your parents permission to see a therapist. It is also correct that you don't have to become a loner. You are an acceptable person.

    If you were worried about getting your parents' permission to see a therapist, then maybe you are having some trust issues with them. Perhaps they have been too strict, so when you left home for college, you didn't know how to handle yourself. That happens to many kids and it happened to me long ago.

    I would like you to reconnect with your friends. Go to somebody you trust...maybe in your college counseling service and ask to be referred to somebody. A psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, social worker or psychologist. You might find that a trusted friend knows somebody who is good.

    I also hear that you are afraid of your thoughts. Maybe that you will do something wrong...unwanted thoughts...confusion...Please remember that thoughts are not actions. Maybe they are sexual thoughts. They will not destroy you.

    It sounds like your fears and confusions are deep. You will get better, but you need to reconnect with friends and see a therapist as soon as possible. Also I don't think this is an emergency. If it is, go immediately. If not, try to get the therapist you are comfortable with. Decide if you want a man or a woman...of what age?

    But you never know. Sometimes the therapist you will work well with is one you would never have expected.

    Be safe. Try not to worry any more than you already are. These feelings hurt. I am sorry they are happening to you.

  2. You may have to give in and go to a psychologist  

  3. get a hobby that interests you, perhaps something that you can express yourself with, such as painting, poetry, photography,.but i do suggest you reconsider on asking for a professional help

  4. what did your psych say?  My guess is they would know more than anyone... They would get the full content behind the question.

  5. It can be difficult to try and sort things like this out yourself because you just get the same old thoughts running round in your head.  Seeing a therapist of some kind would help because they will be able to give you alternative ways of thinking and different ways to approach what is currently causing you a problem.

    If you're looking for help it's important to pick someone who you feel understands you and who can help you.  Look at some web sites, speak to some people to get a feel for who they are.  Think about techniques such as CBT, NLP and hypnotherapy because they are an alternative to psychology but may be more suitable for you.

    Most people go through this type of confusion at some point in their lives.  By doing it an early age you will have much more self awareness for the rest of your life.

  6. You need to give therapy another try.

    Here are some good ideas:

    1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.

    2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Beans, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.

    3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, white potatoes, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn’t be eating.

    4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)

    5. Stop smoking, drinking beer & wine, and drinking coffee.

    6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.

    7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.

    8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

    9. Look into taking a multi-vitamin.

    10. Check out this website for excellent health advice:

    Tone up the muscles:

    1. Join a gym and get a trainer.

    2. If you’re short on cash, start a light stretching & yoga regimen.

    3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.

    4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike

    5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.

    6. Join the local YMCA.

    7. Buy or borrow this book by Bill Pearl called GETTING STRONGER.

    In the book, he describes everything you need for a great fitness plan.

    8. Crunches & Curl ups for the abs.

    Mental Health:

    1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.

    2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.

    3. Learn how to meditate.

    4. Join a support group for the issue you’re dealing with.

    5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.

    6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings & thoughts.

    7. Write a ‘gratitude’ list every night.

    8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.

    9. Do something for someone else who needs help.

    10. If the above suggestions don't improve your mental health, talk with your therapist about the possibility of taking some medication.

    11. Check out the book FEELING GOOD by David Burns.

    Take care of yourself

    Yam King

  7. The best thing I can recommend is talk to a therapist and/or a psychiatrist about your mental problems you are having.  I had a similar experience in my first year of college four years ago and they were able to find and treat my problem.  I am a lot more stable and happy now.  Also, if you are religious or spiritual, it really helps me to ask for help through prayer.  Whatever floats your boat.

  8. Erm.. Anxiety is like being very worried or very nervous in situations. I think you might having some social problems, self- esteem problems. You seem pretty dazed out and confused. Well.. Even though now you became a "loner", school is almost starting again, and you can reach them now, or even make new friends. Just try to leave the problems you have in the past, unless it's like a really bad problem that had occurred. (Sorry if something really bad happened) Sometimes it better if you try not to read into to this that much. Like if there's a small issue, just let it past (unless you can't), but sometimes a small thing can turn into a big thing depending on a person's point of view. Take a chill pill. Take a deep breath breath and look at the sun and everything around. Relax. Throw your thoughts out for even just a minute! That's the first step to get it over with your thoughts  

  9. A few things: If you are over 18 you don't need permission/ consent from your parents to see a psychologist.

    Secondly. It's important to realize that anxiety is very very common and that you are not alone. It's generally caused by life issues or even certain medications ( birth control is a big one!) If you are transitioning into college at a new place with new people, then it's only natural that you would feel anxious about it.

    Anxiety becomes a big issue when it interferes with your every day life and routine ( which seems to be the case) However it seems like the anxiety isnt' the issue here, it's your embarrassment of it. The first thing you need to do is accept that you have it and confide in the people who care about you.

    A psychologist/ psychiatrist can only help you if you want the help. .They are there to lay the foundation, but you need to do the work. It can be helped with medications, but also self taught coping skills ( such as breathing exercises, stress relievers, etc).

    Don't be ashamed. I bet most of your friends are going through the same thing you are.

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