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• Cuisine and fashion category has some differences about the choice and usage of type such as handwritten, text spacing and serif fonts. In cuisine group there are four typefaces are written by hand, as opposed by typed, compares to fashion group has one. However, most fashion typefaces have text spacing that refers to arrange the space between letters (the opposite of handwritten, which has tightly text spacing). It is important to notice that most typefaces from both categories contain serif fonts, especially transitional serif fonts in cuisines group. Serif fonts are a feature that the letters in a given typeset.

• Both categories, even all other categories, are always the same purpose of typographic designed. The most matter is they make sure to be able to communicate the words to the viewers. Each category always chooses a font carefully, for example, cuisine formal handwritten (see Tribeni picture) tries to show you that it’s rich Indian restaurant style. Fashion typefaces can be seen that they match to the clothing shop style, for example – one shop is selling kids clothes, so the typeface must be brightly colourful, large text spacing and informal fonts (see Jumbo picture) to make the children as well as adults’ understanding of the kids shop. Finally, cuisine and fashion categories will be successful when the typefaces are capturing the audience’s attention very well.

• It can be seen that each category have the typographic stereotypes - most of typefaces are in plain text (the opposite of formal identify or handwritten) with loose font spacing and serif fonts. So in general viewers are able to read them properly.

• Some types in cuisine category has been used to novelty fonts and designed conceptual art to be used for words in display. The purpose of the typographic used to novelty fonts is to show the audience that the idea of type is used for the company. For example, Thailand restaurant’s typeface (see Thai Ampawan picture) is used to alphabet and Thai language style mixed.




  1. Cuisine and fashion categories have some differences about the choice and usage of type such as handwritten, text spacing and serif fonts. In cuisine group there are four typefaces which written by hand, as opposed by typed, compares to fashion group has one. However, most fashion typefaces have text spacing that referred to arrange the space between letters (the opposite of handwritten, which has tightly text spacing). It is important to notice that most typefaces from both categories contain serif fonts, especially transitional serif fonts in cuisines group. Serif fonts are features the letters in given type-set.

    • Both categories, even all other categories always got the same purpose of typographic designed. The thing is that they make sure to be able to communicate the words to the viewers. Each category always chooses a font carefully, for example, cuisine formal handwritten (see Tribeni picture) tries to show you that it’s rich Indian restaurant style. Fashion typefaces can be seen that they match to the clothing shop style.  For example, one shop is selling kids clothes, so the typeface must be colorful, large text spacing and informal fonts (see Jumbo picture) in order to make the children and adults as well to understand the real theme of the shop. Finally, cuisine and fashion categories will be successful when the typefaces are capturing the audience’s attention very well.

    • It can be seen that each category have the typographic stereotype - most of typefaces are in plain text (the opposite of formal identify or handwritten) with loose font spacing and serif fonts.  Therefore general viewers are able to read them properly.

    • Some types in cuisine category had been used to novelty fonts and designed conceptual art to be used for words in display. The purpose of the typographic used to novelty fonts is to show the audience that the idea of type is used for the company. For example, Thailand restaurant’s typeface (see Thai Ampawan picture) is used to alphabet and Thai language style mixed.

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