
PLEASE read this and help me..........?

by  |  earlier

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Hey I'm wanting to go on the pill, I'm 17, and came on my period last wednesday (20th august) I should be off by monday.

Is it ok to start the pill on monday when ive just come off my period?? Will that be effective??

I'm seeing my boyfriend the next day and we're gonna go it for the first time...

i dont know an thing about the pill. please dont tell me to go to my doctors i'm not gonna do that..

also, i heard that when you start you bleed spots some days?? :/

PLEASE HELP ME i really need to know this stuff. thank you xx




  1. you will not be safe the second day after taking the pill,you  should use condoms as well for the first month.

  2. well you should still have protected s*x, because birth control doesn't work for about a month.

    yes you spot. but you only get your period a few times a year

  3. I've been on three different pills, so trust me i speak from experience. you should start the pill either the first day of your period, or on a sunday is what i was told, that way you know how to keep track of it. You should wait at a month before your body becomes dependent on it, so you wont get pregnant. it takes about three months for your period to regulate when you first get on the pill so you might have some spotting and stuff like that, don't freak out about it, it's completely normal. i have s*x with my boyfriend a lot but i still use a condom or don't let him finish inside me just to be safe,  but that's just because I'm paranoid haha. i'm the same age as you so i know how you feel. but really, don't worry about it ,its not as scary as it seems. have fun!!

  4. well not to scare you but maybe you Do need  to be scared a bit. if you are clueless about using the pill then you are also clueless about having s*x too. My son is 15 and Autistic i was 21 when i had him and clueless what Autism was. It has been very hard on me having a handicapped child. is that something you can deal with at this point and time in your life if you d become pregnant. are you wanting to have s*x to show our bf that you love him ? if he does love you he wouldn't ask you to give up something so precious that you can never ever get back.  think about yourself and what you are about to do. think about how this may impact your life and future. you CAN get regent on the pill. i have 2 times already. it is not a cure all plus you can still get STD from having s*x or AIDS. please think about what i have said. I am telling you this from a Mother's heart. I have teens and i tell them the same things.. just be careful!!

  5. LISTEN, you need to be on the pill for 1 month before you can trust it!!!! If you are having s*x, use protection!!.And, as soon as you go off the pill,someday, you can get pregnant then too.It happened to me.

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