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I started taking 50 mg clomid this month b/c of irregular periods, not ovulating, etc. My 21 day progesterone test was a 3.2. Doc said it was low BUT ovulation occurred. I normally have a 41-48 day cycle so, was the progesterone test inaccurate considering I might have ovulated later than the avg gal? Also this is day 33 of my cycle but my pregnancy test is neg. I go in for a blood test Fri if I AF hasn’t come by then…my fingers are crossed. So, what do you think ladies…did I ovulate late, am I pregnant? Thanks and baby dust to all who are trying.

I thought the luteal phase was supposed to be over by now?




  1. You&#039;re probably not pregnant.  There&#039;s so many things wrong here.

    First, on a medicated cycle they look for a progesterone level of 15 or higher for a healthy ovulation.   At 3.2, I&#039;m afraid you didn&#039;t pass.

    Second, a 21-day progesterone test is only valid if you ovulate on CD14.  Your doctor should KNOW that.  Were you being monitored?  Do they know for sure when you ovulated?  If not, CD21 may not have been the proper test date for you.

    Third, Clomid DOES extend your luteal phase because it boosts your progesterone level.  So it&#039;s quite common for women to have a longer LP while taking it.  However, in your case I don&#039;t know that you ovulated at all or just ovulated later than predicted.

    Fourth, if your blood test comes out negative Friday you either didn&#039;t ovulate yet or ovulated later than you think, in this case you would have to wait it out a little longer.

    My suggestion is to start charting your basal body temperatures.  At least you&#039;ll have some kind of record that ovulation occured and WHEN.  FertilityFriend has an online charting program that&#039;s free and easy to use.  You fill in the temps, it does the rest.

    Good luck.

  2. I&#039;m not real sure about the levels of what your prgesterone should be.  But your cycle is probably going to be different since you are ovulating this time and you are on fertility meds.  

  3. A progesterone of 3.2 is not high enough to sustain pregnancy. Sorry. The doctor should increase your dose for the next cycle.

  4. My OB had me on Progesterone but I started getting AF too soon, and so they took me off it. I wasn&#039;t ovulating either, so I went on Clomid 50mg. and I ovulated that first month and was able to use OPK tests to confirm ovulation and got pregnant that month. If you&#039;re regularily having longer cycles, it doesn&#039;t mean you are not ovulating, but that you may ovulate later than normal. Have you been charting your cycles, along with referencing that with cervical mucous and OPK tests? I would suggest doing that to help pinpoint ovulation.

    Good luck...Clomid works for lots of women, so I hope it works for you too!

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