
***********PLEASEE ANSWER************** can u tell me how to reduce my eyepower?

by  |  earlier

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my power is 1.50 . ihv to wear my specs when i hv to watch t.v or look far away.plzz tell me wat to eat &wat not to eat.dont suggest surgery and contact lenses.wat should i do and wat not to do.plzzzzzzzz i want to get rid of my spectacles plzz help!!!thanks !everybody in advance!!!




  1. There are some healthy alternative ways for you to strengthen your eyes, but they take a lot of time and effort. I visit a behavioral opthamologist (not necessarily by choice, I personally would prefer surgery if I could afford it), who instructs a variety of exercises that one can do daily to strengthen his/her eyes. It's kind of a pain, but my vision is much worse than yours--I'd bet that if you tried them they would work for you.

    Here is one link that might help you with these types of things, if you like.

  2. why are you worried about a 1.50 prescription ?? you either wear contact lenses or eye surgery, or just live with it. I have to and mine a far far worse than yours.

  3. if you want get rid from this specs+the power you can have two option 1. try eye lens 2.homeopathy

    Eat carrot to reduce power and you can eat fuits which is having protein.

  4. You cant eat anything that repairs your eyes.

    Your eyes are damaged, and lenses/surgery is the only way to get a 1.00 without anyone noticing your injury ;)

  5. Eat lots of vegies. Only thing you can really do short of contacts or surgury.

  6. There's nothing you can do other then get contacts or have surgery.  If there was something natural people could do, don't you think more of us would be doing it?

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