

by  |  earlier

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it wasnt even a DREAM!!! it was alll pitch black, and allll i heard was a song, and i woke up and i was humming it....what is this???heres the lyrics

I came from deep in the sea…

I am not what I really seem to be….

From deep down below….

I came…

But, you shall never know…

The true me…

it had a dark, sorta scary tune to it, and its kinda enchanting....what is this????

but ive never heard a song close to this, i havent listened to my ipod in a while, and i didnt hear anyhting b4 i went to sleep, and the TV wasnt on taht night....its so weird! BTW im 13, so i wasnt doing drugs or c**p like that...icky nasties lol

its like stuck in my head, i like luv it lol, i wish i cud psot the tune, but i cant, its really...enticing and enchanting and weird its just so cool, i mean i like it, but what cud it be? some ppl were saying it was an evil spirit whispering in my ear at night thats why i heard it but i didnt dream...but i cud tell it wasnt evil...pelase help?

THAT ALLL HAPPNEED YESTERDAY NIGHT...LAST NIGHT THO, (oops caps...) i had a normal dream, then I started hearin the humming of the tune, then my dream stopped and it went black again, it ws like i was just closing my eyes, and it got louderand turned into the lyrics, and then i forced myself to wake upafter the 2cd verse started (btw, theres more now, she or w/e it is has more lyrics, ill try to rememebr them) and i looekd at the clock, it was 1:40 sometin, and went back to sleep and had another draem, diff, this time....and i heard it again, and woke up and cud still heAR LIKE A LINGER OF THE TUNE....c**p! caps again...

ok heres the 2cd verse...

Some dayyy, youll see....

the reall me....

but for now, youll have to wait....

for your future stilll....


still same tune, kinda, just a bit shorter, and i really want to know what this is!!




  1. Vote Cthulhu '08!!

    Lord Cthulhu is calling to you from the city of R'yleh where He sleeps beneath the waves, awaiting the time when the planets realign and He shall stalk the Earth again.

  2. hmm...this is interesting. i will see what i can do to help you. is that the only lyrics you know, or is it the full song? if there is anymore, anything else, then email me and tell me.

  3. email me stuff like that happens to me some times to but not as scary  ok  i  try  to  help

    my name is amy im 14

  4. sounds exciting what ever it means but im sure in time you might know

  5. kinda scary..  

  6. It could be your totem trying to get in touch with you, totems are not just for native americans or their ancestors. You could go to this website to try and identify your totem:

    or this one might help:

    this site might also help:

  7. try to find out what ur totemic animal is. i had dreams like that a couple days ago and one of my friends told me to check out this site and the totemic animal part helped ignore the other stuff though cus its a load of BS.

    the sites called

    im 13 too by the way

  8. LOL, its a riddle, one that the joker on the old batman and robin series would tell you and you must figure it our to know what is being said.

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