
PLEAZ help me ALL PAYSTRY CHEFS and people that make great deserts IM SOOOOOOOO JELOUS of you !!!10 POINTS!!?

by  |  earlier

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pleas i want to be like you when i grow up!!!!! please !!! every time i try to make cream or frosting or cake or iceing and every thing i all ways do it wrong im 15 please help me!!!!!!!!!!!! i watched lots of vidios over and over and over but i cant do it

:( please help give me videos and tell me your secrets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. there are no secrets, and watching video wont help.

    in order to get good you need someone to show and teach you in person. then from there you gain experience through trial and error. you can't be an amazing pastry chef on your first try

  2. well whipped cream is easy all u have to do is get cream and blend it and apple turnovers you get apples and wrap them in croissants and put butter and Cinnamon in them and cook them which is pretty easy =) I'm only twelve so i dont cook 2 much...hope i helped

  3. if you have problems making pastry, it could be because your hands are too warm, some other stuff needs cold hands too, so that could cause problems. if you rinse your wrists and hands under cold water it cools the blood flowing, and keeps your hands cold. according to my food teacher anyway.

    it could just be a knack you need to get though.

  4. What is the problem? Is your frosting too runny, is your cake dry..?

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