

by Guest55817  |  earlier

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1. whats the minimum tank size for a large 1-2ft plecostomus

2. can i keep large PLECOSTOMUS with bristlenost PLECOSTOMUS

3. if so whats the minimum aquarium size for

1 large PLECOSTOMUS and 4 bristlenose PLECOSTOMUS

4. are they ok in a planted aquarium

5. do they get aggressive




  1. Heres some pleco info

    Scientific Name : Hypostomus plecostomus

    Common Names : Suckerfish, Suckermouth Catfish

    Care Level : Easy to moderate

    Size : Up to 18 inches (46 cm)

    pH : 6.5 - 7.5

    Temperature : 73°F - 82°F (23°C - 28°C)

    Water Hardness : 5° to 19° dH,

    Lifespan : 10 - 15 years

    Origin / Habitat : South America

    Temperament / Behavior : Generally peaceful, but can be aggressive toward others of the same species.

    Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : It can be very difficult to breed them in a home aquarium.

    Tank Size : Depends on the type, but a 55 gallon minimum for the common pleco given its large adult size.

    Compatible Tank Mates : Many, given the mostly peaceful nature of this fish.

    Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment

    Diet / Fish Food : Herbivore, try to supplement their diet with algae wafers

    Tank Region : Bottom and the sides of the glass.

    Gender : There are no visible differences between the male and female

  2. 1. at least a 6ft tank. Or a pond.

    2. Yes, just have lots of wood.

    3. Same as above. You want the fish to be able to turn around freely and swim right? Otherwise it would be like you stuck in an outhouse. Sure you'll fit and have room, but it won't be comfy.

    4. Yep. Just remember that's one h**l of a big fish.

    5. All pleco's are somewhat aggressive. If you have more then one in your tank, make sure you have more then enough hidey spots for them all to hide happily from each other.

    Bristlenose, Rubber Lip (also called Bulldog) pleco's only reach about 5 inches and are quite common in fish stores, and won't cost you an arm and a leg. Stick with those.

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