
PLEEZE HELP? I am 3 months preggo and gaining weight real fast. ?

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How can I make myself more pretty to my fiannce

and no nasty answer PLEEZE cuz the wedding is in

December and my clothes already don't fit.




  1. Awwww to him im sure he believes no matter what you do your pretty :) especially when the whole reason your gaining wait is cuz your pregnant with his baby.  

  2. Your fiance may surprise you.  A lot of men think pregnant women are incredibly s**y.  In fact, not to be nasty, adult movies featuring pregnant women are some of the most popular on the market.  As far as weight gain, just watch what you eat.  Try to avoid empty calories (sweets) and fast food.  If you have an intense craving for something, reach for something healthy that is similar to what you want.  For example if you are craving M&Ms buy a bag of trail-mix instead.  That way you get the M&Ms in a smaller quantity AND you get other goodies that are good for you.  Good luck, and enjoy being pregnant!  :o)

  3. Aww I feel bad for you :( Umm, well if he loves you he'll find you attractive whether you're pregnant with his baby or not. There's not a lot you can do to lose weight while you're pregnant..or I don't think there is.  And plus, a lot of pregnant women are still hot. So don't sweat it :)

  4. you're going to gain weight with a pregnancy weather you like it or not. try to eat HEALTHY and you can still exercise while pregnant to stay fit. you never know, he might like how you look pregnant. talk to him and find out

  5. The most attractive part of any person is their confidence levels. If you are feeling less attractive then your partner will find you less attractive. Carry your new body around with pride. If some of your previously favourite features are changing now with your new shape concentrate on others (face and hair for example). Alot of people have commented to me that they think I look better since I've been pregnant (and can I add that I've gained 20kg/40lbs AND have a heap of pimples on my face!!!). Try out some new hair styles or experiment with some makeup and se how that makes you feel.  

  6. Pregnancy is about embracing your changing body and enjoying the whole process you shouldn't be concerned about gaining wait because that's whats supposed to happen.

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