
PLZ HELP ! 10 pts best answer?

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ok im doing a speech on ways to irrate telemarketers and i need help after this card it goes :So heres what do if a company calls asking you a to sign up for a family and friends plan tell them in a sad voice i don't have any friends would you be my friend ... and then i don't no what do say PLEASE help to end that card . it's just my speech is a bit short




  1. my friend did this once when a telemarketer called during dinner:

    telemarketer: hi would you like to buy such and such product?

    friend: now is not a really good time to be calling.

    telemarketer: well when would be a good time to talk about our product ma'am? right now i can offer you this. its a great once and a lifetime deal and..

    friend: you know what a good time is...let me know when your dinnertime is and i'll call to annoy you (click)

    another friend picked up and when the telemarketer rambled on she screamed "oh no its the voices again!" and hung up

    not sure if thats what you were looking for but there is some stuff to add! lol

  2. I wouldn't recommend doing that to telemarketers.  They are just doing their job.  

    Sorry, it looks like is back to square 1.

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