

by Guest67105  |  earlier

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i just got a betta fish and da pet store helped wit nutin ... and so i ask da internet!

1. Small bowl? or Bigger tank? - bigger being 2.5 ... limited space in my house

2. should i get a live plant 2 put in da tank ... if its ok 2 get da tank?

3. is it ok 2 use a fish net on da betta?

4. i wanna get another fish but idk wat fish 2 get ... ik dat it cant b another male betta ... yes i did sum research on my own

6. if i get a tank would i need a heater and filter?

7. should i get a water thermometer?

8. if there is anytin else i need 2 no PLZ PLZ TEL ME

yes ik its a lot of questions but im a first time fish owner so HELP HELP HELP ... and plz dont b hatin on me ... i am a first time fish owner after all and i rly dont want my fish 2 die




  1. A bigger tank would definitely be better.  He would be much happier in the 2 1/2 gallons, and it is also the size when it becomes easier to use the heater, which he will need.  

    A live plant would be an excellent idea, it will improve the water quality considerably.  A cave would also be good, Bettas love caves.  

    You can use a net if you like, but it may damage his slime coat.  When you buy the Betta he will probably come in a plastic cup, and you can use that instead of a net, or any plastic cup really, and that way you won't damage the slime coat and he won't have a traumatic time out of the water, which means less stress during water changes.  

    As for another fish, if you get a 2 1/2 gallon it will only be big enough for Cherry and Ghost Shrimp, African Snails, and Olive Nerite Snails.  You really need a 10 gallon or so for most of the fish that are compatible with Bettas.  

    A heater you definitely need, you want the temperature between 76-82 degrees or so.  A filter is optional, but it will mean you can go longer between water changes.  If you do get a filter, make sure that it is on soft flow, because Bettas can be traumatized by heavy-flow filters.

    A water thermometer would be a good idea, so you know the temps are right and will know if the heater malfunctions.

    Betta need special fish food sold for them, because they are carnivores.  They also are jumpers, so make sure you have a lid to the tank.  And make sure that you add water treatment every time you change the water, and when you first put him in the tank.  

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