
PLZ HELP!!!!!! Im 15 and ........!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, im 15 years old and i have been having s*x since i was 12 and i never use a condom and i never even got pregnant. I really like it and all the guys i have been with said it felt better with out a condom. Whats the point anyways? Is it just me or is it fun to l**k the water stuff that comes out of his p***s. Is 12 too young to have s*x? I really want to be pregnant cuz then my mom will pay attention to me. How can i get pregnant??? PLZ HELP!!!




  1. your a nasty ***** that need life.

  2. Oh wow. You're gonna get LOTS of attention all right.....You're gonna be grounded for the rest of your life!!!! You're mom will be totally disappointed in you....and at the worst she might just disown u and throw u out of her house. You must be REALLY stupid. Don't you want your mother's respect? How could you be having s*x since you were 12???? That is WAAAYY too young to have s*x!!! And the water that comes out, is called s***n(see man) That's how you get pregnant. You should have gotten pregnant sooner. It takes 24 hours to fertilize the egg! If you really want to get pregnant, the tell any random guy to not use a condom and have that special guy get you freeking pregnant! (Oh and get his number. Do that because one day you might go on The Maury Show (if you don;t knw who maury is, the google him!) and you would say 'OMG I DON'T KNOW WHO THE DAD IS!!!' and then you'll go through a bunch of rejects of all of the guys who you had s*x with.) Oh and if you don't know how to have s*x then you're lying. If you really absolutely want to get pregnant, then go ahead! get pregnant. You're life will just absolutely END after you have that wonderful bouncing baby of joy. Its much harder than it looks. I have a 2 year old nephew and he's such a handful! (but he's soooo cute!) I feel sorry for you. It sucks that you want you get pregnant at 15 because you probably would have such a bright future. Oh well. Just go and be a stupid w***e and ruin your life. Its your choice.  

  3. u shouldnt get pregnant thats a hooirble way to get ur moms attention o and start using a condom u might get a std and ur way to yung to have s*x

  4. Um huney you will really regret it, If u are a mother now you'll only be judge, plus your'e 2 young 2 b settled with a child

  5. omfg you should totally dress yourself in really cheap make up and hooker heels and expose your *** and tots on the corner on jd, and a pimp will arive. his name is money mike. I told him about you. He said if you go to the corner, and his give him so bum headywhop he will totally inpregnant you. but the side effect is your kids will be short and ugly as fxck.

  6. the water stuff...lmfao. go watch spongebob or something

  7. WTF "is it just me or is it fun to l**k the water stuff that comes out of his p***s." thats retarded. you don't even know what it is, and your l*****g it. anyone with a 5th grade education would know what that "water" is and how to get pregnant. if you wana get pregnant stop l*****g that "water" cuz by you l*****g it up, you cant be pregnant. he has to put the "water" inside of your "bottle" catch my drift. don't get pregnant, trust me. it's not worth it. have fun as a teen. talk to your mom and remind her of how much you love her. getting pregnant gets a lot of teens kicked out of the house, not get attention.

  8. the water stuff that comes out is sperm, dont get pregnant to get attention, yes 12 is way too young, wait, please, wait.

  9. Lady, first please, do not have any more unprotected s*x. s*x is fun, but babies are not fun. You mom is going to like your kid, but she is going to be disappointed at the choice you made for your life. Stop having s*x, please. Wait till you are old enough (18+), when you will be able to take care of a child and when you and your mom have a healthy relationship. Those guys are leaving you and they have the right too. Your mom should never leave, and she won't if you talk with her. TALK WITH HER.

  10. If this actually is a serious question(which i doubt), then stop being so immature.

  11. ur stupid. an attention w***e. n stop makin up stories n wasting ppls time, kthx


  13. um your a s**t and very stupid. wow, grow the h**l up

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