
PLZ HELP ME THIS IS SIMPLE FOR U!If you have read the book[if not also can!!! ]:My worst friend by J. Petersen

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I dont know the moral of the story.. in my class i hav to do a book review and this is wat i chose.. but i dont know what kind of moral it is.. but even if u havent read the book i hope u can help me.

Summary of the story:

It is about Jennifer and Sara who are not friends.They dislike each other.They always insult each other and Sara is very mean to Jennifer.One day Sarah had a brain tumor and had to go to the hospital for a few months. When Sara comes back Jennifer started to care for Sarah and they became best friends in the end. {{{{{SO WAT IS THE MORAL...?}}}}}

I know its about friendship but what is it?? what did i learn???

If youre not sure what book it is here is the website:




  1. Before you read the answer, ask yourself what if you were Jenny?  You might want to take a moment to write your responses down and see if you agree with me.

    1)  How you would feel if someone you didn't like or didn't really get along with got sick?  

    2)  What would you do?  

    3)  Would you treat her like you always did?  

    4)  Would you pretend to be nicer to her to make yourself feel better?

    5)  Would you want to help her?

    6)  Would you want to be a friend to her even if she called you names?

    7)  If you were telling a friend about this girl, what would you say you learned from being around her now that she's sick?




    Okay, you tell us that Sara and Jenny become friends in the end.  So, is the moral just that you should be friends with people that are sick?  It sounds like what the author wanted us to learn with this story was that sick people are the same after they are sick.  They would rather you treat them just the same.  That's why Sara felt uncomfortable when she came back to school and everyone was being really nice to her.  It might have felt a little forced or fake, even though people meant well.


    1)  You should treat people with illnesses or disabilities just as you would anyone else.  

    Hopefully you already treat everyone as nicely as you possibly can anyway.  Sometimes though, our friendships like our relationships with a brother or sister can be made up of teasing each other and making fun of each other.  Every friendship is different.


    2)  You have to be a friend to have a friend.

    Sometimes other people aren't very nice.  Maybe the reason is that they are going through things.  Maybe they are having a bad day or maybe they are just unhappy.  Even though Sara might not seem like someone you would want to be around, Jenny befriends Sara. Because Jenny made the first step they found out that they could be there for each other.

    I hope this helps you out.  Good luck.

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