
PLZ HELP....again olliing on2 things?

by  |  earlier

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ok wen i try 2 ollie onto sumfin lke a curb i get there and immediately bail out!!! i cant stop my self even when i tell miself to stay with the board!!!

What can i do?




  1. The main problem is that you are afraid. First make sure you have the ollie dialed in, and then try olling on to stuff.  As long as you have your helmet and stuff and the curb is not far out of you league, dont be afraid.

  2. you have to really stick to the plan if you really try to do it full time it should work

  3. u gotta commit to doing the trick. u cant be afraid and bail out. keeo your weight forward so the board doesnt slip out from under you. just commit to the trick and practice and u will get it

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