
PLZ HELP!!! cops?

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If i got caught stealing and they never pressed charges can i get into trouble?




  1. yea definitly

    risk it tho haha

  2. Sure gives you something to WORRY about don't it ? Now the next time someone knocks on the door you'll think is it the police are they here for me!! And you'll never know when its going to happen! Good night now Sleep tight!!

  3. yea

  4. Maybe from your mom but if the pigs didn't charge you with anything, how can you get in trouble? And quit stealing punk.

  5. yes, they could choose to press chargers for whatever reason later on. you would get into mroe trouble because not only did you comitt the crime but you tried to hide it

  6. not if they keep their word. Avoid stealing it does not pay in the long run. and you feel better about yourself, after all you would not want anyone to take from you!

  7. Yep

  8. Well I mean they didn't press charges so for now your off the hook but they might change their minds. Plz next time just pay for the item its not worth going to jail over.

  9. if the cops did not arrest you thn, they will not arrest you later. end of story. just stay out of THAT wal-mart

  10. if the people u stole from didn't press charges, all that means is that they aren't going sue u. but ur still in deep **** cause u messed with the long d**k of the law.
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