
PLZ HELP! how do i get a clear complextion? and get rid of black heads on my face and back i need help!?

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PLZ HELP! how do i get a clear complextion? and get rid of black heads on my face and back i need help!?




  1. ok,u might think its weird but trust me many woman used it & it works wonders.they use it in spas as will get u rid of all skin problems as well.but mostly it will completely clear ur problem of complexion & black heads.apply one & a half tea spoon of pure curd on ur face any time of the day.let it remain on ur face till its completely dry.once its dry then just wash it with water or sope if u like.just do it one one week if u want to & see the results works miracles & is easily available in the kitchen.

  2. my gf uses this: warming anti blackhead cream cleanser from Biore:) it works trust me she had a blackhead and she used this it went away

  3. Pro-Active!!

  4. A good probiotic could help too.  Skin problems often reflect poor gut health.

  5. Start w/ looking at what you're eating. Your food has ALOT to do w/ how your skin is. If you eat alot of greasy unhealthy're going to have alot of blackheads and such things.

    I would also look into a good cleanser maybe at the pharmacy. Some natural skin soaps and exfolliants.

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