
PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =[

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I'm so sad/ mad all the time. My mood changes all the time. My sister is currently 8 1/2 months prego. She is 19, and still living at home. I'm 16. My sister, is so rude to me. Calling me fat, w***e, *****, and **** like that. Ive been told I'm not fat, and she weights 40 more pounds than me. I just dont understand. She has physically attacked me 4 times. and my parents said they would kick her out on the 3rd time. and they havent yet. But, i get all moody when im around my mom. SHe treats me like **** too. Calling me S****y names. and we are never alone. shes always buying stuff 4 my sister. and they are always together. Just yesterday i looked at her, and she told me to s***w off. i cry almost every night. and the thing i dont get is, i ask for one dallor. and i dont get one. and my sister gets 5 for fricken chips! and tonight my i was sitting on the floor and my mom was getting dandruff out of my hair. and shes like im done. and she pushes my shoulders really hard.( and thats a sentive spot on me) and i started crying and shes like suck it up you baby!! Im just sick of this....what should i do?




  1. Poor you! Have you talked to your dad? An aunt or trusted friend of your mom's or dad's? Your sister should be long gone by now! 19 and pregnant????

  2. maybe try to go hang with a friend to get out of it all!!!!

  3. i had the same problems in my house. Honestly family therapy works. You might be like ewww no. but it does. it helps you all talk about ur problems and feelings for eachother, and the therapist helps you think of ways to solve your family issues. my family doesnt go anymore because its not as bad at home anymore. trust me. i went through all these problems. and still do sometimes, but things are alot better now.

  4. Get out of the ghetto for one thing.

    Secondly, don't get preggers at 19.

    Thirdly, kill the baby.

  5. I'm sorry. Just keep your head up, do good in school, and go to college in 2 years. Don't be rude to them. Be the better person. The best way to get back at all of them is to be happy and successful! Don't allow their miserable ways to pull you down to. You are better than that!

  6. im really sorry your life is like that i think yuo shouls get counsling, you have a very serious problem and usually talking with some one like your mom or sister wont make any difference.

  7. write your mother a letter

  8. Calm yourself down a little, girl. From what you have said I think your family is going through a lot with your sister's pregnancy, have you tried to be a little for tolerant and understanding for them? Your sister got her mood because... well, pregnant women can be quite unreasonable at times, you live with her you know what I mean right? Your parents are going through a lot, too, because of this situation, mood swings is normal in both cases. Also, do you really want to be competing with a pregnant lady? The money issue you brought up... I mean, come on, give your sis a break, you should be glad she doesn't wake up at night and sneak up on your refrigerator and declare a "complete" victory by devouring everything. Furthermore, have you considered your own attitude might be an catalyst in this situation? If you can downplay her mood swings I can guarantee you that she will not only appreciate you but also remember you as her sweet helping sis in her time of needs.

    Like I said, try to be a bit more understanding for your family, nothing is closer than a family bond, and being 16 and all, I think you still got a long way to go with your family. Best wishes!

  9. :0 I CANT BELIEVE THE NERVE THAT YOUR MOM AND SISTER HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... go to a counsuler and have her help. and also have a talk with your mom  

  10. Ok this may seem stupid but im not even kidding

    please do really good in school so you can go to college and get a good job so you can get away from them as soon as possilbe. Just use the anger of the pain they cause you to push your self to get really good grades

  11. Hide a tape recorder in your pocket and record it when your sis or mum starts yelling or cussin at you, you have it recorded. Keep it and as soon as they hurt you, call CPS.

    I;m so sorry for you, and I hope evrything turns out all right!

    Best of luck!

  12. Sit down and talk to your mom about it. Does your dad live with you guys as well? If so, is he someone you can turn to? If living in that house is getting to be too much for you and you want a break, there's foster programs that let you live away from your home for a while until problems settle down. You might want to look into things like that.

  13. thats soo sad! well there might b one thing u can do but i dont think u wanna do it.... u could go live with someone else like another relative that doesnt treat u bad... thats just MY idea.  

  14. Tell her she's not going to get anything done with that sort of attitude.Confront her. Don't your parents defend you if you're being bullied? You should consult someone and share your problems. Don't think too much about her insulting you by name-calling,as she's even fatter than you.

    Bullying is a very common thing now.Especially in school.You should defend yourself and not get bullied and pushed around.Its probably due to some problems she have.Try persuading her to stop it.Perhaps she really will. Bullying hurts, but I think getting bullied by your sister is a nightmare.Cheer up!

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