I'm so sad/ mad all the time. My mood changes all the time. My sister is currently 8 1/2 months prego. She is 19, and still living at home. I'm 16. My sister, is so rude to me. Calling me fat, w***e, *****, and **** like that. Ive been told I'm not fat, and she weights 40 more pounds than me. I just dont understand. She has physically attacked me 4 times. and my parents said they would kick her out on the 3rd time. and they havent yet. But, i get all moody when im around my mom. SHe treats me like **** too. Calling me S****y names. and we are never alone. shes always buying stuff 4 my sister. and they are always together. Just yesterday i looked at her, and she told me to s***w off. i cry almost every night. and the thing i dont get is, i ask for one dallor. and i dont get one. and my sister gets 5 for fricken chips! and tonight my i was sitting on the floor and my mom was getting dandruff out of my hair. and shes like im done. and she pushes my shoulders really hard.( and thats a sentive spot on me) and i started crying and shes like suck it up you baby!! Im just sick of this....what should i do?