
PLZ PLZ How can i gain weight???

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I want to be healthy coz i'm very very slim n everyone crack jokes on me




  1. by use yoco height grow or playing basket ball.

  2. Gaining weight is by consuming more fat and less work. Eat red meat,eggs,chocolates,butter and milk and then do no exercise.

  3. Stay slim.

  4. eat pizza fish and chips and eat JUNK JUNK JUNK! LMAO  

  5. dont take the protein weight gainer shakes there a complete waste unless your doing gym.

    if you want to put on weight in a healthy way eat lots of good meat but change your diet every day. and have the meal courses sorted out and all because the main ones are the best ones.

  6. Firstly you need to eat a lot of healthy stuff. If you don't feel like, workout,get tired , hungry and eat all that you can.Eat oily stuff, but that does'nt mean getting street samosas.Eat parathas and all the home made oily stuff.

  7. buy some weight gainer just put it in your drink and thats it. if you want to get buff just workout behind it.

  8. I need to put on weight to, except im recovering from an eating disorder, so it's a little different. Try eating a handful of nuts each day, and drink a glass of fruit juice or a handful of dried fruit each day, and on top of that eating 3 main meals and 3 small snacks each day. Good luck!

  9. Protein shakes

  10. You need to do some exercises/yoga and change of your lifestyle, eating habits. Change in lifestyle will rejuvenate your body; strengthen your all internal organ and digestive system. Principles, which are applicable to weight loss, also work to get more muscles. For amending lifestyle, eating habits you visit following website: -

  11. Eat lot's of fatty foods, behave lazy and do not exercise.

    These things should suerly work cause my bro. 2 does all these things and he has succceeded.

  12. ice cream juice and eat more food

  13. ice cream at bedtime

  14. Buy Whey protein shake mass building

    good luck  

  15. don't eat junk food to gain weight. I think u should not gain weight,instead you make your self wider.the best way to widen your self is to do exercise.consult  any fitness trainer about this matter.and don't feel shy that your slim.accept the way u are.

  16. yaar

    eat regular diet

    do less workout

  17. I was dangerously underweight as a teenager, what my doctor told me to do was drink a milkshake each evening for an extra calorie boost.  But to be honest what really made the difference was going out for sports. Calories are great but you need to build that body up too! otherwise when you do finally get the weight to stick.... well its not pretty.

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