
PLZ can u guyz out there tell me how to read tarweeh prayer?

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itz really important as ramadan is cuming in a coupla dayz. i've checked everywhere in the internet but none of them are telling me what i wanna knw. i just wanna knw the order of reading the dwas surrahs. thnx 4 any help given. bless u all !!!!!!!!!




  1. your Q is not clear

    if you mean reading from the Quran during your prayer , yes you can read from it.

    you can start from the begining and go on after that .

    try this link maybe it will help.

    Ramadan Kareem

  2. Taraaweeh prayer was encouraged by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), for example when he said: “Whoever spends the nights of Ramadaan in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 37; Muslim, 760

    The time for Taraaweeh prayer is from after ‘Isha’ prayer until dawn comes.

    There is no specific number of rak’ahs for Taraaweeh prayer, rather it is permissible to do a little or a lot.

    The best is that which was proven from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), which is that he never did more then eleven rak’ahs when praying qiyaam al-layl, in Ramadaan or at other times, but he would make the recitation and other essential parts of the prayer so long that on one occasion he recited more than five juz’ (sipara) in a single rak’ah, reciting slowly and carefully.

    And it is proven that he would get up halfway through the night, or shortly before or after that, and he would carry on praying until it was close to dawn, so he would pray thirteen rak’ahs in approximately five hours. This requires making the recitation and other essential parts of the prayer lengthy.

    And it is proven that when ‘Umar united the Sahaabah in praying Taraweeh, they would pray twenty rak’ahs, reciting approximately thirty verses of al-Baqarah in each rak’ah, i.e., roughly four or five pages, so they would recite Soorat al-Baqarah in eight rak’ahs, and if they recited it in twelve rak’ahs they would think that it was short.

    This is the Sunnah in Taraweeh prayer: if the recitation is kept short then the number of rak’ahs is increased to forty-one rak’ahs, as some of the imams said. If a person wants to limit himself to eleven rak’ahs or thirteen rak’ahs, then he should lengthen the recitation and other essential parts of the prayer. There is no set number for Taraweeh prayer, rather what is required is to pray in the time that will enable you to attain tranquillity and not rush, no less than an hour or so. Whoever thinks that this is too long is going against what has been narrated and no attention should be paid to him. End quote.

    the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The night prayers are two by two.” Saheeh – agreed upon, from the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him). And it is proven that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray eleven rak’ahs at night, and say the tasleem after each two rak’ahs, and he would pray Witr with one rak’ah. Saheeh, agreed upon. And there are many similar ahaadeeth.

    Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught us to recite a complete soorah, and sometimes he would recite a complete soorah over the two rak’ahs; or he would recite the first part of a soorah. As for reciting the last part of a soorah, or the middle part of a soorah, it was not narrated that he did that; and as for reciting two soorahs in one rak’ah, he would do that in naafil prayers, but it was not narrated that he did that in fard prayers.  The hadeeth of Ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him), “I know the pairs of soorahs that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would recite in one rak’ah. He would recite Soorat al-Rahmaan and Soorat al-Najm in one rak’ah, or Soorat al-Qamar and Soorat al-Haaqqah in one rak’ah, or Soorat al-Toor and Soorat al-Dhaariyaat in one rak’ah, or Soorat al-Waaqi’ah and Soorat al-Qalam in one rak’ah.” This hadeeth indicates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did that, but it does not specify whether he did it in fard (obligatory) prayers or naafil (supererogatory) prayers. The hadeeth may mean either.

    But the Sunnah – which is preferable – is to recite a soorah, and the best is to recite one soorah in each rak’ah. If that is too difficult then it is acceptable to divide the soorah between the two rak’ahs.” (al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 3/104).

    May Allaah help us all to acquire useful knowledge and to do righteous deeds.

    And Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.


    My husbands leads the taraweeh, the following from 23:00 untill 00:30u: 2 rakaat tasleem, two rakaat tasleem two rakaat tasleem, two rakaat tasleem two rakaat tasleem and one rakaat tasleem

    One the first night (the night before the first day fasting), he recites al baqarah and the second night albaqarah, third night alimraan the fourth night also and the fifth night he starts with al nisa', etc untill he reaches the night 19  he prays besides the taraweeh also the salaat al qiyaam from 01:00 untill 03:00, if he has finished the reciting the whole Qoraan, he recitets different soerat but mostly short ones till +\- 50 ayaat.

  3. sorry i don't know  

  4. you should probably go and speak to an Imaam, they should be able to explain to you whatever you want to know.

  5. During Ramadan, at Musjid is Taraaweeh (recital of the whole Qur'ãn).

    Taraaweeh Salaat is Sunnat-e-Muakkida for both men and women.

    It is Makrooh Tahrimi (forbidden act) for women to perform Taraaweeh in Jamaat, (should perform individually at home, not in Musjid).

    To perform Taraaweeh in Jamaat for men is Sunnat-e-Kifaya.

    Taraaweeh is a special Salaat which is ordained for the month of Ramadhaan.

    The intention is to observe two rak'ahs of sunnat of the Taraaweeh Prayer, and thus to complete 20 rak'ahs with 10 salutation.

    Preferable to offer the Witr Prayer after the completion of Taraaweeh Prayer.

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