
PLZ help horrifiying dreams! Wat do they mean?

by  |  earlier

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I hav nightmares were people kill me (even my family and they love me and have never hurt me in any way) but basically i get lost or chased and killed and murdered! they freak me out so much! i think it might be cuz my mom i very over protective for my safty that it might scare me and my parents always talk to me about what to do if i get taken or raped or somthin! wat do you think? i dnt think im gonna die or nutin either! :)




  1. I use to have a lot of horrible dreams. Then I went to see someone who gets rid of spirits etc. I still dream a lot and had a horrible dream the other week but in that dream I ended up killing whatever was after me. I suggest you go see someone, because these dreams could be trying to tell you something. I'm just speaking from my own experience.. I use to have really bad dreams every few months. I even once dreamt my mum was trying to kill us all. They were always clear and vivid.

  2. Either change your sleeping place or say Gayatri mantra before sleeping...It will help you to feel relax your soul and mind,without any nightmares

  3. Here's my idea--I'm not great, but here goes!  Do you get scared when your parents talk to you about what to do?  I know I used to.  You might be rebelling at the fear they have caused you to have, and blame them.  Thus, they are trying to hurt you.  I hope this helps!

  4. You haven't been feeling good lately both physically and emotionally. This is gonna end and fear of dying is actually a sign of good health and longer life. So stop being a baby.... LOL just kidding. I mean I would like to have this dream myself though I have had dreams about my demise because it is a good news anyway. And by the way, listen to your mom OK.

    Have fun.


    this usually helps me when i am trying to figure out the meanining of a dream, hope it helps

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