
PLeAsE hElP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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so listen. i am in a summer theater program and we're doing Grease. i was really excited at first. then i got my part. i am the teen angel... AND I"M A GIRL!!!!! i really wanted to act and talk but now all i do is sing! i love to sing but i also love to act! i'm really upset! what should i do???

PS the teen angel is the guy who sings beauty school drop out.




  1. oh im sorry. the part doesn't have to be a guy! you will do an even better job!

    Good Luck!

    Break a leg!

  2. You should be flattered that you have a WHOLE solo, all to yourself.  Don't complain, and do the best you can!  People who see the show will definately remember you (especially since it was a male in the movie).  Who knows you may even make the audience PREFER a female Teen Angel.  You will probably have a really neat scene and a lovely costume.

    Then next time you are working with anyone from this camp they will remember your good attitude and your hard work.  That can NEVER hurt you.  Having a solo is a great honor and will look good on your resume.  You have to take the parts that come, make the best of it and move on.  You won't always be the lead. Sometimes you may get a large role and then in the next show be in the chorus.  You're very lucky, you have a nice part that will stand out.  Break a Leg!

  3. Play this part as well as you can!

    Let everyone see how great an actress u are that you can pull of a boy! Also don't complain because then the directors won't like you and won't want to give you a better part next year.

  4. Doesn't that guy have a bad 80's Afro? hmm.. Try your best to have fun with it! It could really show  your versatility!

  5. hahahah!! dana your a boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask the guy or women if you can change. i mean your paying money for this thing. its the best they can do

  6. Well, I love acting too, so I'm going to suggest taking the part and doing it to your full potential. See, I think you should take what you can get. I tried out for the musical Cinderella... I love acting, but singing in front of people makes me nervous. I didn't get a part because "She's just got to work out that little bit of shyness, but her acting was great!" as the person who gives out parts said. Anyway, like I said, take what you can get, and maybe it'll help you out later. Your chance for getting a part next time will probably be better because they saw(heard) you this time do great. Good luck!

  7. If you an artist all the role is important....all artist begins in small part..and then they really pushed themselves and becomes the i bet you will do it...but for now play the part and be the best.........

  8. Usually when the directors assign you a part such as the Teen Angel, they use it as a test to see how you can handle it. When our school was doing Into the Woods, I got the part of Jack in the Beanstalk! (and I'm a girl, too haha) I was so upset because I really wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood. But I made the part my own and impressed the directors. Because I could handle a less wanted part, from then on I got really good girl parts because they were happy with my first performance.

    So my advice is just do your best with your part, don't complain, and wow them with your talent. You'll be sure to get the part you really want next year!

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