
PLease Help me, its bout my life!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I need money and i desperately need a job. I have been looking at all kinds of jobs. I have three college degrees and i still cant find anything. Im seriously thinkin of joining the NAVY. I have thought bout it for months. i mean how i can i go on living? I wonder if the navy can send u to the infantry, or does it only deal at sea. i do not want to end up dead u know. first of all, i dont even know how to swim. so what do i do? im a permanent resident in the US, can they admit me in the NAVY. Please this is a serious question. I need serious answers, im really thinking of joining. I just need feedback. Thanks




  1. You should talk to an officer recruiter.  If you don't want to be in the NAVY's infantry, just don't join the Marines.  Other than that you have a lot of choice in the job you get as long as you are qualified.  

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