
PLease e help qick i think im overdosing!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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last night i took 6 hydrocodine and ever since then ive been having shortness of breath feels like somthing collasping on my chest, this morning i woke up shaking and nauseated, and im pale white should i go to the er?




  1. Yes, go to the ER.  

  2. I would go to the ER.  They may need to pump your stomach.  There's no sense in trying to be tough.  Some people have that allergy.  Someone that I know took only one pill and had shortness of breath.

    If you don't want to go to the ER, they say that Coffee is will open up your lungs a LITTLE bit...and maybe try Vick's VapoRub if you know what that is....but I would go to the ER.

    Stop eating pills, dude or dudette.  Be safe.  I hope you start feeling better.

  3. If I were you I would head straight to the hospital, cant take any chances you only live once.  

  4. Go to the ER! Better yet call for assistance and let them know what you took.  They'll get help to you and maybe able to help you over the phone.

  5. WTF would make someone post a question like this here instead of calling a doctor or just going to ER? Sounds like a possible heart attack to me.

  6. See a doctor immediately. 6 hydros in one night can kill you

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