
PLease please please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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OMG i really really really need help!!

my first period just started ive got no mum she died!

and my dad is away for 3weeks!!

Ive got my 2 brothers Mike (22) and Tyler (19) their both dating!!! and there home from university for the summer.

Anyways im sitting on the couch and i know its late like 1am but my period started and i didnt realize it came and now the couch is stained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg im freaking out here!!!!!!!!!! Mikes in bed and Tylers on the other computer in his room!!! What do i do??? i know how to use pads and tampons!! My friends showed me how like a long time ago and thats not a problem the problem is my first period, couch is stained and ive only got my brothers!!! Like their both super nice but its kinda akward!!

Im actually crying right now and i really wish my mum was still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please please help me!!!!!




  1. What material is the couch made of? First try and use cold water to get the stain out a bit, then use some stain remover (follow the directions on the bottle.) Just tell one of your brothers. They'd understand, I mean they've known girls before right?  Plus,if you wait until the morning, the stain might get worse. Just go up to one of them and say "Hey, I kind of messed up the couch, can you help me get out the stain?" Don't even think about it before you do it, just go. It will be over really fast.

  2. Sorry about your mum :(

    Calm down, take deep breaths. First, go to the toilet and put some toilet paper in your undies to try and protect for abit.

    Dont worry, periods are nature, and it wasnt your fault that your period stained the couch!

    I suggest you go to the closer brother, and ask him if he can buy you some. Yes it would be arkward, but what would be more arkward, period everywhere, or asking your bro for a pad?

    If you are really unsure, if one of their girlfriends are over, ask them for one or something. All girls are in this together, after all :P

    If you REALLY don't want to do any of those things, I think you should call your dad, and ask him for advice etc. He should help you. Actually, I suggust you do all those things together. Make sure you change the toilet paper often, because  it isnt exactly the best protection!

    Congratulations on your first period!

    edit: yeahh good idea, get one of them to drive you to the store and borrow/bring some money to buy some (:

  3. You can use toilet paper for now, it won't work well but it will help. Then tomorrow you can ask one of your brothers to drive you to a store (or you can walk) and bring $5 then buy yourself some pads. If he asks why you can make up anything. If he does not want to drive you call his g/f and tell her about your issue and I am sure she will help. About the couch try getting some tomato juice or any other red juice and say you accidentally split it ; ) I am really sorry this is happening to you! I wish you were my neighbor or something and I could just bring you some! Anyway I  wish you lots of good luck! : )

  4. Wipe the coach down and hurry b4 the stain settles. Go 2 the restroom change ur undies and throw the stained 1s in the washer. Ask ur brother 2 plz buy u some pads, I'm sure he's done it 4 a gf, and while he's out take a nice hot bath, it helps temporarily stop the flow so u don't gotta worry bout changing toilet paper till he gets back and it could help if u got cramps =] relax I wuz in a similar situation my mom passed away as well a few months b4 my period. Ur gonna live sweetheart. Good luck =]

  5. if you want try and get the stain out of the couch get some dawn or something with some baking soda and create a liquid rub, before it totally drys up. Then get your brother to take you to the store and get what you need he will understand.

  6. Your fine! I know its weird and akward but g get one of your brothers to take you to the grocery store or a pharmacy to get you some pads/tampons they are mature legal adults they will help you.!!! i KNOW ITS WEIRD! i got my period one time with my boyfriend at wal-mart AHH!!!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Your brother's are old enough they know about girl stuff, I would ask Tyler to help by running to the store to get you pads or tampons or something, and I know this sounds weird but when he gets back and you're all good to go, spit works well to remove blood stains.

  8. Go tell your brother who is awake that you need his help.  See if you have any carpet/fabric cleaner and put it on the couch ASAP.  If you have no pads or tampons see if there's a store open, or a friend you can call.  If nothing else put some toilet paper in your undies for a temporary fix.

  9. Awww relax sweetie! I know it will be the most awkward thing in the world, but you NEED pads or tampons!  Ask Tyler to go with you to get some. And don't wait until the morning because you will bleed ALL over your bed. That's what happened to me =/ Good luck and i hope you get what you need!!!

  10. U shuld tell ur bruders so dey kan buy u pads....u don't want to stain everyding its natural they aren't going to make fun of you....they are old enough and probably mature so trust them....

  11. try turning the cushion over

  12. Well, first breathe. I remember when I first got my period only my sisters were home so I waited for my mom and then told her... but in this case you can't. I'd just either wipe it up (the stain) and put toilet paper in my underwear. Then I'd change it often and in the morning go to the store and buy stuff. Or just tell your brother, he'll understand like my family did. He won't make fun of you or hold it against you. Then ask him to take you to a store that is open this early and get some stuff. Well whatever you choose I'd go with both...

  13. I know u asked it 4 hours earlier but i just saw it...I hope u solved the problem...Don't b shy 2 talk to ur brothers (especially the eldest one) they r old enough 2 understand women stuff like that and help u, not make u feel uncomfortable. I totally understand that u need ur mommie now but this is the life and u can't change it. U have a pair of wonderful brothers and a dad taking care of u. They love and they'll help u at any time u need them. U only have to ask them 4 their help.

  14. Just tell your eldest brother. He might be more mature about it. Ask him to run you to the store.

  15. didn't u post this before?

  16. You're going to have to invest a brother in helping you.  Use a wad of toilet paper for now.  Don't get tampons yet - get pads.  Tampons are harder to get right and are not particularly good for teenagers.

    I would suggest getting the older brother to help - Usually the oldest feels responsible for the household, and he will be more supportive in this.  They may have to take you to the store so you can buy supplies, & the older one can do this without sharing the info with the younger.

    Don't worry so much, the boys will be more embarrassed than you in any case - but they will help you because they are your sister and they love you :)

    Besides, there's nothing a big brother likes more than helping a little sister out of a fix - I was a little sister too, and my brother had to help me deal with horrible cramps as a teen.

  17. You need to talk to someone so they can take you up to the store to buy these things.  There are usually places open all night, gas stations things like that, and you have a brother that is old enough.  Get up off the couch and put a TOWEL down to prevent you from staining it.  That is common sense, come on now.

  18. Omg you poor thing. Take off the cusion cover, if it has a cover, and put it in the washer. If not, wipe the cusion alot with soap and water if you don't have like resolve or something like that. You can't leave it like that, because its very unsanitary. Then, tell one of your brothers and ask them if they could go to the drugstore for you and get some. If that's too akward, which it probably is, tell him that you need him to take you to the drugstore and that it's an emergency. He'll know what that means, and it wouldn't be as akward as saying it. Good Luck!

  19. tell tyler he will absolutely understand and take you to the store it is better to tell him than stain everything

    Ok for the dude who said you already asked this I just went to her profile and she only has this question 2 times but they were posted 1 minute apart not weeks

  20. If you're for reals, you need to tell your brother's !

  21. okay step one..

    -go in the bathroom and clean yourself up. grab a long wad of toilet paper and wrap it around your underwear several times.

    step two

    -take some towels and scrub the couch with some soap. its not gonna do much but at least it will be clean. the stain will still be there but your brother can help you with that tommorow.

    step three

    - go to your room and get some sleep. when you wake up in the morning you can remove the toilet paper from your panties and put some more on there. then go and tell your brother you need him to run you to the store and buy your self some pads and tampons.


    hope i helped

  22. cold water will get the blood stain out.

    use toilet paper or a sock as a pad until u can get to a store. ask ur bro for some money and a ride to the local store, buy any pack of pads (they are easier for the first time) and buy them. dont be embarassed. ur bros shouldnt make fun of u..... remind them what theyd do if someone made fun of their gf for being a girl... all girls get this.... its gonna be ok! dont freak.

  23. you need to tell your brothers, like NOW. as for the couch use soap and water or some other cleaning liquid, if the stain doesnt come out, flip the cushion over.

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