
PLease rate my Poem : ) easy 10 points yo.

by  |  earlier

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okay i know that it's kinda long but i've been going through a lot of stress with a certain guy and this is my way of letting go.

last night as i slept

it was your face

which haunted my dreams

but worst of all

was the simple fact

that it was when

you and me

still shared

the same heart beat

and i cried out for you

but in my mind i already knew

that after they had turned me to stone

you wouldn't try to save me

as the dream progressed into

my worst nightmare

i still tried to brake down the concrete walls

that they had put between us

and blood bleed pounding on unfalling walls

turned to tears as i reached for you

but no hand reached back for me

and i quickly learned from faithful friends

that you were already whispering blasphimies

and curses in my name

so i retreated into my iron shell

sentenced there forever to dwell

until you might call out my name

in any loving, apologetic proclaim

and my heart yet grew sad and cold

and this is my sad story told

and this poem i have wrote in truth

my heart still longs for only you

so i'll be grateful for our short time spent

and i wont give up just yet

for concrete walls can't hold back love

and your heart that was once mine

will be mine

i promise i will be just fine

if you dont like it don't be mean! i gave this guy my heart and he handed it back to me shattered in a million pieces! but you really wouldn't understand unless your a girl or unless it's happened to you. it HURTS




  1. I think its nice, A-

  2. I like your poem

    It gives  good impression

    with its content.

    I rate it 9 out of 10


  3. That's just it Poppet,

    Every word read,

    I understood,

    have been there often in this word


    My Heart shattered

    broken soul,

    Tortured dreams,

    That won't let go.

    Yes my Sweet,

    I understand,

    Let go of him,

    and take my hand.

    I Will lead you

    To Pasteur's new,

    A whole awakening,

    just for you,

    Hold on tight,

    Don't let go,

    There is so much more

    for you to know.

    Set Free the Love

    you hold so dear,

    There is another

    waiting near.

    As sure, as sure, as sure

    can be,

    Life is an Eternity,

    of hopes and Dreams,

    that with us stay.

    But Tomorrow,

    Is another Day.

    Sweetheart, your poem is wonderful.

    But now is the time to let go,and give your self

    the chance of a new begining.

    No Love lost is worth the torture

    That it leaves behind,

    And you Poppet,are the only one that can set yourself Free.

    God Bless x

  4. I think its pretty sums up all your feelings & shows your experiences with the "guy". i think everybody who read the first 4-5 lines knows it right away about a breakup with a love interest. I really dont like this one not because its bad or anything, it good but too much emotions but I'm really looking forward for your next poem of possible moving over him or finding someone new or getting back at him --- that would be more interesting.


  5. FIRSTLY... I DONT AGREE WITH THE ASSERTION THAT GUYS DONT RELATE... now the poem - i can tell it came from teh heart and thats always da best place to start when writing a poem...i like the sequencing, cronology, flow of ideas and the way it sounds musical. now on the flipside (take this positively) i found myself skipping chunks of it becos its a bit too predictable, a little laboured - and the reader might struggle to stay captured... however i concede that this is usually the case with poems on love or lack there-off.... but yu did well, keep it up. hope yu find yoself true luv in due course, good luck!

  6. i got a chill when i read this. its beautifully written and you can really feel the pain and anguish that you had and still have. well done.* star for you

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