
PLease tell me everything i should get for my guinea pigs and about how much it would cost?

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PLease tell me everything i should get for my guinea pigs and about how much it would cost?




  1. You need to get a cage,food,water botttle,some kind of hay and fresh vegetables and water. It will cost about 100 dollars.

  2. Go to they sell everything for pets and you can compare products there. Good luck.

  3. The best answer for you is to go to or They have the most and best possible information you will need.

  4. You will need to consider a few things before getting a pig. Space, time, money for food and vet bills all need to be thought about.

    Pet store cages are wayy to small for any guinea pig. A C&C cage is easy to make, cheaper, and much bigger and better gor your pig. has instructions on making your own or ordering a premade one. DO NOT use cedar chips for bedding . They are very harmful to your gp. GuineaLynx has bedding ideas.

    Diet is very important: Quality pellets (no extra colorful bit or seeds) are essential. Oxbow is a good brand pellet. At least a cup of fresh veggies every day. Unlimited timothy hay 24/7. has more diet details.

    Guinea pigs need daily floor/exercise time in a safe place. At least an hour a day is best. Since GP are social animals, it's best to have 2 so that they will have company all the time. Be sure they are the same s*x though. Pregnancies are very dangerous for piggies.

    Also, please consider adopting your pig instead of buying one. There are sooooo many great, healthy guinea pigs that need homes in shelters and rescues all over the country. Pets stores usually sell unhealthy pigs that have been poorly taken care of. will help you find a pig in your area.

    I would estimate startup costs would be about $80-$100. Then $65 dollars monthly for the neccessary food and bedding. PLUS money for vet bills when the need arises.

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