
PLz hlp fleas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Guest62367  |  earlier

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my cat has fleas and yesterday i got frontline from the vet and put it on him. i heard that the fleas fall off of the animal dead. the cat was on my bed and i seen a flea come off him but it was like half alive its feet or whatever were moving a little is this normal




  1. Just kill the flea, yeah it is normal.  Also, if you had a really bad infestation, you may want to treat your carpet with boric acid.  Just do it one room at a time, sprinkle the powder all over the floor, wait 1 day, and vacuum it up.  Make sure you keep pets and children off the floors while they have the powder on them.  Boric acid is sold in most stores like Walmart in the pest control section, sometimes marketed as Roach Away.

  2. the best way that ive used was 22 oz "Lemon Joy" dish soap and 2 oz. Eucalyptus oil to repel and kill fleas.

    i bath my dogs and my moms cats every week and it works great!

  3. yes.  but you might want to squish the little bugger...just to make certain his biting and blood-sucking days are done!



  4. I had the same thing a few days ago.  Fleas will only die after they have biten your cat ) thats after you have frontlined him/her)  If you do find one (dead or alive) what I tend to do which works best is pinch it between your fingers and squash it carefully (otherwise it will jump out) onto some bog roll - then flush it down the toilet.

  5. its ok its working good

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