
PM's and moderators?

by  |  earlier

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Can moderators read the PM's of members and if can why than thay call it private?




  1. No moderators are not necessarily admin and cannot read PMs of members.

  2. i believe they can't. When i installed a forum script i believe i couldn't.... yep =/. But i bet you can edit the code XD so you can.

  3. it depends on the forum the site is using.  In any regard, whoever owns the site has the right to read any messages sent on the forum and can give moderators that privilege.  Read the privacy policy on the site, but always remember:  it is THEIR site, not yours, and they have absolute control over it.

    If you're really curious, ask the moderators or admin.

  4. NO THEY CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are sent threw a difrent part of the coding that even admins cant get. pm`s are sent derectly to the person and no where else.
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