
PMS emotions.......?

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I feel crappy and I've been super sensitive and emotional. Yesterday I almost had a bawl-fest because a sweater didn't fit right. All I really want to do is throw myself a pity party (which 1. makes it clear that I'm being ridiculous, ha, and 2. I don't have time to do--I'm packing to move back to school). I know it's just hormones, but still--I'm not that kind of girl!

Does stuff like this happen to y'all? How do you "get over yourself" so to speak?





  1. I take a bath or very long shower with a glass of wine.  

  2. Aww its ok... Every woman on the face of the earth gets the whiny, crying,achy, bloated, and incredibly bitchy.  

    Just... eat some chocolate and watch movies. :) Everything will be ok.  

    Just word of the wise, if you're being mean.. stay secluded. You wouldn't want to say something or do something you'd regret after the monster of  evil leaves :)  

  3. Wow, this is exactly what happens 2 me.What I do is drink 2 midols, put on some comfortable clothes, and lay in bed and watch some t.v.You can also try taking a nice, long shower.And when you feel like crying, do it.Just go in to your room and cry.It sounds ridiculous, I know, but it helps.After you let out all your emotions it really does make you feel better..Well I hope these tips help you!

  4. ahh thats normal. i once cried because i dropped a clothes hanger. try to relax, maybe watch a movie or put on music.

  5. Toss down 2 Maximum strenght Pamprin and drink a nice tall glass of iced tea!!!
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