
PMS or Pregnant? Symptoms....?

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I only got off the pill a month ago...and I guess it's possible to be pregnant already, but we were not really trying this month. I have been on the pill so long, I'm not sure of any PMS symptoms I had before...and have had none on the pill. My nipples are irritatingly sore and I've been constipated. I'm not due to start my period until next Tuesday. I'd be thrilled if I were pregnant...but I'm guessing this could easily be signs of PMS. I plan on waiting until next Friday to do a HPT, as that will have made my period 4 days late. Does this sound right?




  1. If you have been on the pill for a while, it will probably take at least a couple of months in order for your body to adjust.  Your period will probably not be regular for a few months.  This doesn't mean that you can't get pregnant, but it more than likely will take at least two months.  You can take a hpt on the first day of your missed period.  

  2. Going off the pill can cause your body to do some crazy things. It is your bodies way of readjusting and getting back onto a regular pattern and cycle. Give it a week or so. I you do not want to wait take a home pregnancy test or I would call an advice nurse.

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