
PMS versus Pregnancy syptoms??

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My last AF was on July 18th, and every month my period comes 28-29 days later. My hubby and I BD every other day since then. I have been pregnant before, but I don't quite remember how it Well I have been having mild cramps, sore breast (mainly nipples) and dull lower back pain.. My AF was due on Aug 16th-17th.

Oh and No I'm not stressed and my diet has not changed. I need all the help I can get. *crosses fingers*




  1. PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are the same. There is really no way to tell the difference without just waiting and testing when your period is late. When I got pregnant this time I was on all the web sites trying to figure out the difference between PMS and Pregnancy symptoms!!

  2. Sounds like your pregnant to me.... I'm 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and I have all the same symptoms. PMS and pregnancy syptoms are VERY similar. The only sure way to tell is by getting a pregnancy test! Good luck!

  3. Have you taken a test yet?  I think it would be safe to test now, seeing how your period is overdue by a week.  Use first morning urine.  If the test comes back negative, wait a few more days and test again.  

    Or you could go visit your doctor and have a blood test done, these generally pick up lower levels of the pregnancy hormone.


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