
( POINTS)After i get my braces on, how long will it take before i notice a difference?

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I am getting braces in 3 days! i am REALLY excited. I go back to school sept. 2 . Will my teeth be any straighter by then? My teeth are pretty Crooked.





  1. It all depends on you and how quickly your teeth react to it... good luck though... I had spacers for braces when I was 5 and I was in and out of dental gear until I was in 3rd grade and now, at 23 -- my teeth are perfect and everyone is jealous of them! It's well worth the wait, so don't rush it!!


  2. Usually only a few months. But like someone else said, it depends on what your teeth look like now. And if you are getting speed braces, they should look better, faster.

  3. Unfortunatly I dont think you'll see a big difference by the time school starts.  I had braces on for 3 years and they did wonders for me.  I agree the other answer.  In about 5 months to a year you will see a hug difference.  Good luck..and stay away from gum.  

  4. I noticed a difference in a month.

  5. Each person is different.  Sometimes when I went to the Orthodontist by the time I got home I could see a difference.  Don't be disappointed if they aren't straight by the time school starts.  

  6. i dont think so it might take a while..took me like 1 1/2 years

  7. ive had mine on for a short time, and after a couple of days i noticed one or two teeth had shifted a little. like, i can see more of my top right incisor now than i could as it was partially covered by th tooth next to it. but even if you cant really see th difference straight away, you can feel it fairly quickly! before i had mine my teeth slotted together perfectly, but now a few weeks after having them they dont actually fit together as they used to!

    hope this helps!

    and dont worry, its totally worth it!

  8. Unless your teeth are pretty bad to begin with, you won't really seem to notice anything until they are taken off (mostly because it's hard to notice while all that metal is in there)

    But, once they come off you'll have a beautiful smile and it'll all be worth it!

  9. it depends how bad your teeth took me 5 month

  10. i dont think takes time  

  11. I had braces for a year and it only took a couple weeks for me. It depends on how bad your teeth are and how long you will have them on for. When you first get them on you will notice they look worse but after a little while you can see (and feel) the difference.

  12. i had braces for 4 years (im 14) and my teeth look awesome

    for me i didnt care how long i had to have them in for,,,,as long as they were out before high school:-)

  13. Probably not. Sorry! You can barely tell whether your teeth are straight or not with braces anyways. Good luck!

  14. i've got my teeth for 2 and a half months now, i noticed my teeth got straighter about a month. my teeth was pretty crooked as well. =] right now my teeth are pretty straight but my bottom front teeth are still crooked..

    edit: imma have my braces on for 8 months.

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