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hey here is the site come and join its a great place to meet new people and to trade pokemon without waiting hours




  1. Guest55802




  2. Guest34092

     hey ash, i chalenge you for a fight.

  3. wifi battles trades and more come on down

  4. This is the chat to be at for wifi battles and trades!!


  5.  Sorteo Pokemon/Pokemon Giveaways

  6.  I Have a shiny deoxys  attack with. Iv atk. Sp atk and speed

  7.  try this rpg out its really awesome u wont lose anything by checking it out

  8. Go join this epic game guys!

    People are waiting to meet you!

  9.  to Mu00fnica u go into your freinds 

    List and you should see it


  11.  Anyone willing to trade me a deino in white 2 plz?

  12.  Hi?

  13.  anyone want to battle or trade?

    my code is 3268 9118 9961

  14.  anyone want to battle? 

    my code is 3268 9118 9961

  15.  do any one have genesect for trade for mew or arcues?



  16. May some one please trade me?


  17. Hey ash dude ill battl u?

  18.  Im looking for an oshawott, anyone wanna trade it for something

  19. any one want a gyardos lv68

  20. hi


  21. anyone wanna battle?



  23. lf shiny kyogre


  24. FC 4255-0723-8511         name:Ash 

    I'll be happy to battle or trade. 

  25. I wanna battle/trade


  26. anyone wanna battle fc 4512-4322-0182/email

  27. Anyone have the move earthquake?




  28. anyone want to trade or battle

  29. hi who has a shadow lugia


  30. lf a battle a no legend or uber battle. my fc is 1506-2074-9442

  31.  i wanna wifi battle

  32. i want to batle my friend code is 2923 4100 1131 who wants to battle over wifi

  33. anyone want to trade

  34. looking for a battle standard

  35. If anyone wants to trade or battle with me, notify me at my site Give your name in the game and your friend code.
    My Platnium name is Sam and my Friend Code is 4211 8377 4408.

  36. pokemon hg fc 4770-1749-8385
    name nick

  37. looking for battle right now
    1205 3298 4350 plz be quick

  38. Hi ;)

  39. Hey Everyone i Have a website called pkmnrequest here the link below
    i currently have a chatroom and more please stop by and vist those visiting from this site if u join i'll give u a free pokemon I am the WEBMASTER of that domain.

    Todays date is June 01 8:14

    Copy n Paste----->HTTP://

  40. my friend code........ Kuba 1462 9487 2481

  41. So one wants to battle me in pokemon I am good at this game

  42. can any one trade me a shiny evee level 25

  43. i ll trade or battle someone hit me back big.d 4598 2160 8389

  44. please could somebody trade or battle me?I will be on 'till 12:30

  45. anyone want to trade with me

  46. somebody give me their friend code and ill give mine!

  47. me

  48. does anyone want to swap

  49. Join theyre a new site looking for members but they have pokemon league .

  50. can someone pz trade with me or do the clonning glitch or battle me on pokemon dimond ive been to four diferent websites but no one could reply  also how do you know your freind code plz reply

  51. who has any shinys will trade good pokemon for them

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Latest activity: 9 years, 2 month(s) ago.
This question has 51 answers.

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