
POKer ?? Poker?

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is there any real strategies to actually win one of those free roll tournaments? I recently play on Pokerstars and it seemed to me that I always lose with d best hand going all in and is it me i feel like most of the play don't really care too much on those tournament. Feed back please with all your advice and opnion thnks very much!!!




  1. Two choices:

    Plan A: Avoid going all-in (excepting the nut hand post river, or nearly so) at all costs for the first 1/2 hour or more, and then gradually open your game from there and look for your chances to build a stack.

    Pros: You're playing real poker ... you'll have a tight image when you finally open up your game ... you'll make it to the top half of the field almost every time (the first 50% to die are mostly nutcases and victims of nutcases.)

    Cons: You won't get many easy chips ... if your image is too tight you won't get much action on your premium hands ... even premium hands get beat (seeing your AA in round 4 finally, and THEN losing to somebody's Q9 offsuit is painful) ... by the time you get to that top half, you'll be right around starting chipstack, while the average will be twice that.

    OR ......

    Plan B:  Get your chips in early and often until you've tripled up, and then cherry pick and bully until the real players start opening up.

    Pros:  You'll get to see and play a lot of hands (until you lose) ... you won't have to sit through 45 minutes of boredom before getting knocked out ... if you DO survive, you'll be near the chip lead when other players start dusting off their cards.

    Cons:  You're not really playing poker, you're playing Lotto ... freerolls don't come every 5 minutes, so getting booted in the opening hands means no playing for a while ... you'll feel dirty when your 96 beats QQ by filling that straight on the river.

    So which way to play it?  

    If you have a cash bankroll, use the freerolls to play around, get loose, go fishing, and go back to real games after recess is over.

    If freerolls ARE your bankroll, stay out as much as possible in the early rounds.  If you get a premium hand and a chance to face 1 or 2 opponents, go ahead and play it because you're the odds on favorite (bad things still happen, but get over it.)  Don't stay COMPLETELY out, but wait for the initial wave of bloodshed before you jump in.

    And good luck.

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  3. dont play as many hands, wait untill you know you have the winning hand then slow play it let them go all in and call you will make big bank rolls that way.

  4. i usually post fold the first few levels in freerolls and even the real money tourneys.  people are gambling way too much in the early levels trying to accumulate chips.  i play baisically AK, AA, and KK for the first 3 levels with the odd button steal or two.  if you get 3 bet on a steal or if you have ak, muck it b/c you are a coinflip at best.  thats normal though first levels in big field tourneys are as my buddy says "donkfest 2008"

    gl in the freerolls. if you like poker i would suggest putting a small maybe $10 deposit onto pokerstars, play the small limits and see what happens .if you are any good it will be hours of cheap entertainment .  i started with $50 and im now up to 340:D

  5. ive won free roll just play extremely tight until you can see that not many idiots are left then just play good aggressive poker

  6. don't play like the rest of the donks.  For some reason they all think they have to play every hand.  Just sit and wait for the hands you want to play.  Don't just push all-in to prove that you can.  Winning small pots is better than losing giant ones.

  7. allows you to create, view, and comment on replays of poker hands you’ve played online or offline. You can try playing poker strategies online without losing money. You can use simple wizard for recreating hands, or copy/pasting your hand histories from your favorite poker sites.

  8. I've won a few free rolls, and let me tell you they are all about having guts to fold and to go all in.

    Since it's free, most people play like idiots. Try to play tight before the break and then a little looser, then finally, you have to know when to fold them and know when to walk away.......

    sorry that was uncalled seriously TIGHT, LOOSER, AGGRESSIVE and then ALL-IN.

    Good luck!

  9. Play EXTREMELY tight poker, especially for at least the first 1-2 hours.  Only premium cards and premium hands.  Don't go all-in at least until you see a flop, as you're not going to chase out maniacs no matter how much you bet.  The suggestion to post/fold for the first half hour or so is also good advice--give the maniacs a chance to burn themselves out before getting into the game.  80% of the players in any freeroll are there for the h**l of it and have little if any idea of what they're doing, you have to play tight, slow, careful poker until 1/2 or more of the entire field is eliminated.  Also, when a flop hits and you have a "nut" hand, THEN go're likely to get a  lot of callers and build up your chips.  Play will normalize a bit more after the first hour break but won't really get down to serious poker until at least hour 2, unless you happen to end up at a table with some other decent players.
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