
POLL: About pre school teahcers?

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is being a pre school teacher a girl job usually or can men do it to?




  1. Some of the best preschool teachers I've ever met have been men, but unfortunately they tend to shy away from the area and understandably so.

    If you want to see some ex-preschool teachers who happen to be men, just check out the Wiggles.  They are all trained in Early childhood (well, not sure about Jeff but the others all went to Uni and did Early childhood).  

    Now that I'm a mother, I wish there were more males in early childhood so that my children could have more of a balance with male and female teachers.

  2. i think a girl or a woman can do it more better than a man because they know better of how to handle childern.

  3. Both women and men can be preschool teachers but it is more common to have a woman as a preschool teacher.  There is nothing against males, it is just a female dominated field.  I think its great when men teach young children because boys need same s*x role models and since the field is dominated by females, they do not always get that.  

  4. As already been mentioned... the early childhood field is in desperate need of some positive male role models.  I agree...some of the best preschool teachers that I know are males. As sad as it is very few men will enter the field because of the "ribbing" that will take place, and unfortunately the stereotypical comments made by families.  Men who enter this field must have a strong confidence in themselves as a man.  :-)  Go for it!  I know for a fact that male teachers bring in a different perspective and usually the whole classroom/center benefits.

  5. Men have to be VERY careful when working with children.  For example, during summer camp we had a male counselor but he asked me (a female) to put suntan lotion on the children and to help the kids get changed into bathing suits because he was too afraid of parents worrying.

    So, since preschool children still need help going to the bathroom and getting changed from an accident, then I would just make sure that you have someone else do that, and then you should be fine.  

    Just beware that some parents might be prejudice anyway...  

  6. Either one can do it.  Children need both male and female positive role models, no matter what age they are.

  7. Ive been in this field for 20 years and am a man.  The answer seems obvious( yes men are care givers also) and wanted to add for all of the teachers out there.....  I think the main reasons that men shy away from the field is that men find it difficult to represent themselves in these settings. When I started, I was in a 2 year program in CA that had 49 women and I the only male.  All female teachers in the campus center. When it came to the population served???? you guessed it, mostly single mothers.  I think that the few men that I have met in the field offer me what it is OK to represent being a man and still being professional and caring.  This is very serious I think in that not only are teachers underrepresented but administration/mentors also. I think that somehow the answer and responsibility lies on the females who are in positions of "power" to actually seek and encourage more men to enter their individual centers.  When there is one man at a center, you will surely get more.  I am use to this but a young man would be hard pressed to walk into this profession on his own.  WE have to make this a priority in our centers or this population of positive men will continue to be represented less than 5% of our caregivers.  Many schools are working hard to get women more involved in the sciences...this should also be an initiative of great importance as we are a nation absent of consistent involvement of men. A woman "took me in" and then I was hooked.  If we form environments that allow men to represent themselves as men and caregivers.......were on our way.

  8. It truly is mostly a position run by woman and usually younger. I had a male kindergarten teacher for two of my children and they thought it was so nice to be with a "guy" all day at school. In today's world, many boys do not have a father or male figure to bond with and by having a male teacher for this age group, a positive experience is had.  

  9. I've not known a man to ever be a pre-school teacher, but that doesn't say you couldn't be one. Why not?

  10. Doesnt matter.....

  11. I'm sorry if I'm being sexest but I think Men should not be preschool teachers. I would not be okay if my 3 year old was with a man, i believe first grade and up is ok

  12. either can

    There is a shortage of men in the profession, and some parents may be wary, but many young children need a male role model and there's nothing like a great teacher!

  13. being a preschool teacher is not a gender specific occupation, altough it is primarily a female dominated field.  i hired many male counselors over the years and they were the best teachers, providing you find the right age group for them (just like females).  any teacher needs to find the age group they are most comfortable with and work with that age group.  i myself, work best with older children and not babies/toddlers.  we all have our ages that work best

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