
POLL: Anyone have a bad case of doodles on the brain?

by  |  earlier

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So, the first day of class started today and in my first class about fifteen minutes in, I start doodling. I guess it's just a habit, but I do it constantly all day long. It doesn't really go over well with the teachers, but oh well, it's not my fault I want to cover every surface with little sketches of stick figures doing naughty things.

So who here has a bad case of doodles on the brain?




  1. I don't but I do have a case of noodles on my back o.O

  2. yup, its a problem for me now

  3. I got bad news for ya....the doodles never go away. I'm 26, have a job at a law firm and I STILL get the doodles. Embrace your doodleness and enjoy it!

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