
POLL: Are you here for points or information?

by  |  earlier

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It costs 5 points to ask a question, and I don't care. i need answers!




  1. i'm here for points and sometimes information.

  2. i am here to help others


  3. here to help others if i can... and if i have a question.. i dont care how many points it takes it if i need an answer!

  4. both.

    i like helping people XD.

    but for some reason i can't lie.

    plus, i really find good answers for stuff i've always wondered or i was too shy to ask myself haha.


  5. i come here to help people, obviously. i do not care about points whatsoever (i have enough). i also come here, because i love the questions.. especially in p&s. (x

  6. Both, but the points do become addictive (1 point) :)

  7. both.  why sould i want the points they don't do nuthin 4 me.

    I guess im just bored and i wanna hobby lol

  8. I am here for Entertainment

  9. im here for laughs. what info do u really get from P&S




  11. y would we get points if we didnt want info? thats the purpose of points and the purpose of Y!A

  12. i am here for the entertainment and the off chance that my experience might be of benefit to someone. tmm

  13. im here just to waste time.

    ive only asked one question.  

  14. This section? polls and surveys is the bees knees,

    No i'm here cus Y!A is fun for a no-life like me :(

  15. Both!!

    It stops the bordom, and i get lots of laughs from some of the questoins and answers.

  16. Sometimes I am here just for a bit of fun - sometimes I go to the more "serious" sections to help people with their questions by providing the best answers that I can

  17. Points and information

  18. I like to ask

    edit.But i need enough points to start asking because I went from level 3 to 2 back to3 etc

  19. just my contacts  

  20. Both

  21. I come on here to waste time and for laughs. Points are nice though

    But no one comes to P&S for information! That's what every other category is for! P&S is purely for time wasting and fun purposes.

    Although I have heard rumors of actual "polls" and "surveys" being conducted... I think it's a just myth.

  22. This question just gave me 5,000 points! thanks for giving me unlimited answers! mwahahahahahaha P&S now you'll never get rid of me!

    Anyway, im here for the fun, the points, and info =)

  23. bored and for some reason it is addicting to answers questions.  

  24. bothhh

  25. I come on here to get points

  26. Both :)

  27. What are the points for anyway?

    I don't get it.

  28. a combination. I like to see the way people respond.

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