
POLL: Coffee or Tea?

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POLL: Coffee or Tea?




  1. Coffee..

  2. i like green tea... the taste is great and not so strong...

    as for coffe, preffer mocha or latte...

    milk tea mix coffe is not a bad choice too^^

  3. This is a tough one cuz I really enjoy both, so much so that I sometimes drink 'cham', a mixture beverage of both tea and coffee!!

  4. coffee with extra cream please.i need to wake up.

  5. depends if tea is sweet then tea but if its not then coffe:]]

  6. uuh coffee!!

    guess what im 10 yrs old

    the coffee has to be from starbucks though

  7. Tea, but only if it's iced.

  8. Peppermint Tea

  9. cappucino because that's how I roll lol but then again give me some chai tee or apple chai with cream in and i'm in sweet heaven so...tea!!!!!!

  10. Coffee

  11. tea is better than coffee because coffee contains a lot of caffeine

    stole from net>

    Caffeine Content Of Popular Drinks

    Soft Drinks

    12-ounce beverage milligrams

    Red Bull (8.2 oz) 80.0

    Jolt 71.2

    Pepsi One 55.5

    Mountain Dew 55.0

    Mountain Dew Code Red 55.0

    Diet Mountain Dew 55.0

    Kick Citrus 54.0

    Mellow Yellow 52.8

    Surge 51.0

    Tab 46.8

    Diet Coke 45.6

    Shasta Cola 44.4

    Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4

    Shasta Diet Cola 44.4

    RC Cola 43.0

    Diet RC 43.0

    Dr. Pepper 41.0

    Diet Dr. Pepper 41.0

    Diet Sunkist Orange 41.0

    Mr. Pibb 40.0

    Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 40.0

    Red Flash 40.0

    Sunkist Orange 40.0

    Slim-Fast Cappuccino Delight Shake 40.0

    Ruby Red 39.0

    Storm 38.0

    Big Red 38.0

    Pepsi-Cola 37.5

    Pepsi Twist 37.5

    Diet Pepsi Jazz 37.5

    Diet Pepsi 36.0

    Wild Cherry Pepsi 38.0

    Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi 36.0

    Diet Pepsi Twist 36.0

    Aspen 36.0

    Coca-Cola Classic 34.0

    Cherry Coke 34.0

    Lemon Coke 34.0

    Vanilla Coke 34.0

    Diet Cherry Coke 34.0

    Snapple Flavored Teas (Reg. or Diet) 31.5

    Canada Dry Cola 30.0

    A&W Creme Soda 29.0

    Nestea Sweet Iced Tea 26.5

    Nestea Unsweetened Iced Tea 26.0

    Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus (16.9 oz) 23.0

    Barq's Root Beer 23.0

    A&W Diet Creme Soda 22.0

    Slim-Fast Chocolate Flavors 20.0

    Lipton Brisk, All Varieties 9

    Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2

    Diet Rite Cola 0

    Sprite 0

    7-Up 0

    Mug Root Beer 0

    Diet Barq's Root Beer 0

    Sundrop Orange 0

    Minute Maid Orange 0

    A&W Root Beer 0

    Slice 0

    Sierra Mist 0

    Fresca 0

    Other Beverages

    8-ounce Beverage milligrams

    Coffee, Drip 115-175

    Coffee, Brewed 80-135

    Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces) 100

    Coffee, Instant 65-100

    Tea, iced 47

    Tea, brewed, imported brands (avg.) 60

    Tea, brewed, U.S. brands (avg.) 40

    Tea, instant 30

    Tea, green 15

    Hot cocoa 14

    Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4

    Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3

    SOURCES: National Soft Drink Association, US Food and Drug Administration, Bunker and McWilliams, Pepsi, Slim-Fast.


  12. Um...I tasted a sip of milk coffee when I was 4...don't remember how it taste but 4 year olds are picky so I would say ok, I don't like tea, the ONLY tea I sometimes drink which is my fav. drink in the world is Thai drink, man they are delicious!!! My uncle made me drink some and I loved it. But, um not sure 'cause I only drink thai tea, and oh yeah I drank coffee last year um, can't choose but it depends on how they make the coffee

    EDIT!!! omg I forgot sweet tea with a whole bunch of sugar in it!

  13. It's coffee to backup our thoughts, and stamina.

  14. coffee definitely

    i need my caffeine lol  

  15. ^


    - green tea

    - red tea

    - milk tea

    - buble tea...


  16. Can't live without coffee.

  17. i can't start the work day with out a coffee, but i love a cup of tea in the afternoon... yes my whole family are english so i have been bought up around tea in the afternoon

  18. why not both? Coffee in the morn. Tea when you're sick.

  19. Inside aeroplane : always tea cuz I don't want to stay awake after the lousy meal

    Inside hotel : Coffee cuz it is 'ngam' or 'ada oomph'  with the setting pluz I don't want to fall asleep after the heavy meal ... burp..... lol

    Inside kopitiam: Silky milk tea (strange name nowadays when it is actually tea with evaporated milk i.e Ideal Milk) ... lol

    At home : Neither cuz I prefer plain water .... to remove toxins from my system .... lol

  20. depends one the time of day. Coffee in the morning and tea to relax you at mid-day.

  21. Tea. Coffee makes me sick and pee.

  22. Tea, it's better for you and if you buy the right kind it works just as well as coffee.

  23. coffee.

  24. Tea..Earl Grey or Oolong or Sabahan..

    With lemons.....

    I'm salivating...

  25. 70% = Tea.

    30%  = Coffee.

  26. Tea. be it Lipton, Teh Wangi cap Ros, Pu Erh, Oolong..i love tea..
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