
POLL: Did you know we're having a water shortage? ?

by  |  earlier

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If you take water from the sea and fix it up, the water left is even MORE salty. This type of thing could kill something important, like a whale, or something cute, like a turtle.

I've been watching the news- a reliable source, so don't worry about checking out the facts.




  1. you are smart. I do not watch the news, because I am in great fear that if I become even more smarter than I am right now,  my head will explode. I am never short of water cause when it rains I leave buckets of water outside ( like lets say 3400 of them ) and then I pour bleach in it to make sure its clean and i drink it. I think you should never put a turtle in water with salt it might damage his skin.  

  2. I get my information from news shows such as Entertainment Tonight and TMZ, and they haven't said anything about this, at all.  This makes me think that you just like to make stuff up.

  3. We're so screwed. I don't even care anymore. I guess I'll trade in my little car with kickass mileage for a Hummer and dump my used cat litter straight into the reservoir.

  4. I get most of my current events from the man at the liquor store.  But I usually forget it after we have naughty time.  I'm very thankful that you are here to help keep me "in the know".  

    Also, I'm pretty sure that Sam Donaldson is a Vulcan.

  5. If people would start taking baths in the same tub of water for two weeks at a time like I do, this water crisis might end. But people are selfish Tublet and they aren't willing to sacrifice comfort to save a cute little turtle. People suck worse than Canadians.  

  6. really? d**n now i have to start drinking my own urine again.

  7. "things" would be better if people would quit s******g "things" up in the first place, so they didn't have to try to fix "things" again.

  8. You mean that little filter that I paid $30 for at K-Mart won't suck the salt out of the sea water ???  

  9. It looks as if me and you will have to shower together to conserve water. ;-)

  10. Oh yes I did, thats why i shower with as many people as possible and never wash my dishes

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