
POLL: Do you dress to kill; dress for success; dress to impress; dress to express yourself; or just throw...?

by  |  earlier

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...something on and forget about what other people might think? Neither?




  1. I know that for business reasons I have to dress for success and to impress, but at the same time I have to be comfortable and be me, which is timeless and classic.   But when it's me time or me just being me doing my thing I still always dress so that I look good and make a fresh and neat appearance.  I always have the same style.  Timeless and classic.

    Peace & Love  :)

  2. Dress to express

  3. i dress to successfully, impress by express myself.


  4. dress to express.

    theres always a statement to be made

  5. Neither

  6. Dress to express :D Yup thats me.

  7. I wear whatever i feel like wearing that particular day. I could care less what others think of my wardrobe.

    Though, there is such a thing as "appropriate attire" for certain events, depending on what that event is. That's etiquette.

    You wouldn't wear jeans and a t-shirt to a black-tie event; or wear shorts, a tank top and flip-flops to an opening night of a broadway show and et cetera.

    But whereas it concerns me, i try not to impress people on a regular basis. I have found that the approval of others is both fleeting and irrelavant to my life. I wear whatever i feel like wearing, (what i like and what i am comfortable wearing) who cares what others think about me. I know who i am, so i'm not worried about it.

    If they don't like my clothes, well .... it's not like they have to wear them, you know?



  8. dress to express myself

  9. I dress for personal comfort.

  10. dress to express...usually with heavy-metal shirts

  11. I dress strictly for my expression.  

  12. Dress to be comfy.

  13. I dress to impress while expressing myself......I can do both!

  14. dress to kill

  15. i'm a crippled home bound drunkard, and a nudist. when i need to be clothed i just toss on my cleanest dirty shirt.

  16. Well I'd like to dress to impress but I can't afford to many clothes these days, so I just throw on whatever I can find clean.

  17. dress to express myself!!  

  18. A combination of dress to kill, dress for success, dress to impress, dress to express yourself. I believe in dressing up everyday shoes are a must! I don't wear jeans or sneakers! I don't like them at all since I was a kid and was stereotyped in a shopping mall. I always carry myself in a respectful manner but I noticed a lot of people judge others on their clothes of choice. I keep myself sharp as a tack my personal appearance is a reflection of me and I think highly of myself therefore I wear what is comfortable for me.  

  19. I dress to suit my mood.

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