
POLL: Do you hold hands, kiss, etc...?

by Guest31859  |  earlier

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with your S/O in public? if so, do you ever get the ol' up & down?




  1. yes we do....and yes people always look...but i just think its funny...and keep going.  If people are so close minded that they don't know that love is love...they're not worth my time

  2. Yeah, and we have been stared at.  I have to say, I tend to save it for clubs and bars and stuff, being all affectionate in the middle of a shopping arcade doesn't really do it for me and I kind of have to be careful about who knows I'm g*y.

  3. I greet most of my g*y male friends with a hug and a kiss regardless of whether we're in public or private. I've held hands and kissed with a significant other out in public as well. I've received comments - mostly derogatory - and probably have had the ole looks...but I don't pay them any mind.

  4. I used to hate when people would look on disaprovingly but now i don't even notice... I hug and kiss my partner anytime :)

  5. Of course I do, I don't care what others think if they don't like it then they don't have to look. Straights do it all the time so why should I hold back just because I'm a L*****n? I love my S/O and I'm not holding back on things just because I'm g*y.

  6. hold hands, kiss

    help me out answer this;...

  7. kiss, hug, cuddle with, hold hands, compliment, ect lol. i like showing my ex off.

    edit:got some whipped cream? lol i love the new avatar and not just caused i help you with a new name and pic.haha

  8. We Kiss, hold hands, push a kart together if we're shopping.

    And sometimes if I'm standing in front of him looking at something on the shelf, he'll put his hands on my hips.

    Only Jealous or Square people would make a fuss, but we don't care ^_~

  9. yes. straight people do it day in and day out - and so shall I.

  10. Um.. no.. that's bad.. no no .. oh okay a little.. maybe.. yes.. uh ALL THE TIME.

    hold hands, kiss, jump on, make out with, push up against the wall and kiss, grab, and mucho more:]

    I am the biggest PDA artist with my bf ever. and when we're out little old ladies stare at us with disgust=] I find it hilarious haha.

  11. yes and yes.

    my ex and i would both forget that we're g*y till we find someone staring at us and then it hits us, "they're not use to this"

  12. If its good enough for straight people, then its good enough for the LGBT community as well. Affection, admiration and love are equal opportunities last I looked.  

  13. Only in a very g*y friendly environment

    I'm not big on the holding hands thing.  Have you ever noticed how annoying it is when people hold hands in a public place?  Not the display of affection, but the fact that two people are harder to maneuver around than 1.

  14. i wish i had a girlfriend.

  15. only if you want honey!!!

    lol...sorry I had to do it.

  16. We always hold hands, always.

    As for kissing...we occasionally will, but very rarely. Not because we get the up & down as such but because there are so many people out there who love to stand and watch us even just holding hands so I don't want to give them the pleasure of seeing us kiss!

    I view my relationship with my girlfriend as equal to any "normal" relationship - just because she's a woman shouldn't mean I won't hold her hand in public.

    But we do get the ol' up & down, all the time.  

  17. sure. but it also depends on where we are. but most of the time yes we do, and most of the time, we get the ol' up and down, but i can't tell if it's like "nice!" (both femme lesbians) or if "ugh, gross!"

    i've been lucky enough for no one to ever say anything to me about it.

  18. Not often.

    In movie theatres we get cozy sometimes.

    But I'm not big on public displays of affection to begin with.

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