
POLL: Do you long for peace and happiness in your life,or do you already have them both ???

by Guest31722  |  earlier

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  1. i have happiness but peace is hard as my mom is terminally ill and i lost my brother to suicide two years ago so i dont have the peace that i want due to regrets from the past and fear for the future,  

  2. Right now, I am quite happy and at peace..I could me more of those things, but for now, I am rather blessed.

  3. I think I have more of these things than most people in the world - but of course, it isn't possible to be completely at peace or happy. I feel privileged to have what I do.

  4. of course,i do long for peace and happiness ,u can have them but they are not our possesion so that we can keep them in our bag and roam around mate,mate .we are living this life for thgese things only,mate ,if u remember

  5. Yea I am very happy,l need Nothing Else

  6. I looong for them. I hope those days come soon!

  7. I've no peace with FUZZDUDE about!

  8. I sure do long for Peace but I am happy

  9. Yes, I do long for peace & happiness...

  10. wishing for happiness and serenity. [:

    my world's crazy ((:

  11. i loooooooong

  12. Can't say I "long" for them, but how will I recognize them if they arrive?

  13. Yes.......... I long for them

  14. I long for both of them

    *Sighs* where are they? :(

  15. Yes, I long to have happiness and be at peace with myself. But I am content and grateful for all that I have right now.

  16. NO.

  17. Yea i do long for peace and happiness.

  18. I don't believe you can say you have them because they are not a fixed permanent state or some commodity. They are feelings and emotions, all feelings and emotions ebb and flow. They are not static. You don't reach a feeling of happiness and then that's it forever more. Its always going to be fleeting and brief.  

  19. Yes! I do have them both, only because I took a conscious active step to find them on the inside.  I don't think these are things you find one day on the outside world.  I think they are born within, and we must dig deep to find them, and bring them into being into our own world.

    Thanks for reading!  

  20. I have calmness and joy in my life.  Peace and happiness sound so absolute, I don't dare saying I already have them.   I am working towards them though...

  21. It's not possible.  Humans are too intricately connected with the world and people around them to ever have true peace and happiness.  As soon as I feel things are just right - something horrible happens in the world, or a friend rings to say her boyfriend has just dumped her - whatever.

    I think we would all like true peace and happiness, and if anyone has found their shangri-la, I'd like to know how they manage to block everything else out to enable them to live it.  They're either highly selfish, mad or lying!!

  22. YES i do long for both.

    i think we all do.

  23. long for peace and happiness  

  24. Took 59 years but I got both.  Utter bliss!


  25. I think we all seek for Peace and happiness whether we admit it or not.


  26. already have it..

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