
POLL: Do you sometimes long for happiness in your life ???

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  1. Everyone longs for happiness in their life. It's something we're always searching for and always trying to accomplish. First and foremost you must be happy with yourself in order to be happy in life and happy with others.

  2. Y  E  A  H  but  she  still  wont's  taking  round  the  S  H  O  P  '  s

  3. I agree with ancan...if you look deeply, we find all the happiness already in life. There is no scarcity of anything.

  4. I am finding happiness again so maybe the longing is over.

  5. yes

  6. Yes everyone does.

  7. well if you long for happiness then you don't know that you already have it. being alive will make you the happiest person alive and just going for a walk can make you happy. you dont have to look for it all the time some times it is just outside

  8. NO!!!!!!   I am always Happy three great kids. I am alive    So whats not to be happy about......    well the price of fuel but I am still a happy person.

  9. Everyone wants Happiness Phil. Everyone.

  10. Always

  11. yes without a doubt

  12. I might be weird but I am already happy. It doesn't really matter what problems I encounter I always find a positive thing hidden somewhere and that keeps me happy Instead of feeling sorry for yourself isn't it easier to try to find the happiness within you? We feel the way we want to feel.  

  13. Yes, especially

    when I'm going through

    a really difficult time.

  14. Sometimes.

  15. Yes. Especially, now. I went through a break-up and it's hard to find happiness afterwards. But I keep believing that I will find it if I keep searching hard enough.

  16. I have found it, some little things make me unhappy at times, but most of the time i am very happy..

  17. Nope I have that now

  18. It is in longing for happiness that we will not find it. Happiness is found in moment to moment. Saying that yes sometimes I do long for it!

  19. Always. But i'm still happy with the life i have now at the moment.  

  20. I am happy, and amazed, to be incarnate.

  21. Yes. but that makes it worse.

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