
POLL: Do you still hear your parent's voice in your head critizing you?

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Everything I do for the first time, I can hear them critizing me because that's what they used to me.

I don't live with them anymore. But I would cry even in simple procedure such as washing my dishes because I can hear them criticizing me. I have associated every action with criticism.

NB: I am not schizophrenic or depressed.




  1. haha no... i hear me critizing me.... i would go 2 a shrink hun.

  2. well i can imagine what they would say

    but it doesn't effect me

  3. no I hear them telling me "you can do it"..wierd I must have blocked out the bad stuff...I never did listen

  4. No, but it took three years of therapy to get it out of my head. I had a very abusive (emotionally and physically) stepmother growing up and at 30 years old I decided that having nightmares about her was not normal so I started therapy.  You might consider doing the same.  It really does help.

    There is a wonderful book call Toxic Parents, reading it made a lot sense as well.

  5. Yes, occasionally, generally if I do something they wouldn't approve of ;), even though I'm 24, have my own family, and have lived away from them for over 6 years. I think it's normal to some extent, kind of like a conscience.

    I think perhaps you feel it a little more deeply than most, maybe there's some issues that need to be dealt with?

  6. Every activity no. But from time to time I will do something and do it the way I like and hear my grandmother in my head going your doing it

    My grand parents raised me and she did a lot of things a bit old I can hear her in some of the things I say to my own household too.

    It is normal to hear some things being corrected in your head. But if it is a lot then it jost shows that your family was a bit controling and it bothers you. But if you are moved out then you should let it go and move on.

  7. no not ever never listened to em anyway

  8. Not so much criticising me, but helping me out.

    If I go to do something stupid, I hear my Foster Dad, telling me to think before I act. I went to jump a fence the other day, and I swear I could hear him telling me to check the electric fence.

    It's pretty good. It keeps me straight.

  9. I'm with them and they're always making comments on what i wear and how i do anything!

    I'm dying over here. So, tell me how did you move away from them at last?

  10. all the time

  11. Yes. I hear my dads voice telling me to loose weight &stop being rude.

  12. woah, no way

    well I guess when it comes to weight I can remember how my mom amde me feel like I had to be skinny all the time (her food issues rubbed off on me a bit) but other than that no..... i would get some help :) sorry you had overbearing parents

  13. Nope, my parents didn't criticize me.  You should take how you feel and remember it while raising your kids.

  14. No.  My parents were loving and supportive, and still are :).

  15. No I never felt my parents criticized me.  My mom would always say "there it s right and a wrong way to do things"  she said this if I did not do something her way.  They were never were that hard on me.  They were supportive and helpful.

    If this is affecting you badly you might want to confront them about it.  or she a physiologist.

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