
POLL: Do you use salt and pepper on your meals ???

by  |  earlier

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  1. only black pepper an lots of it,dont use salt.x.

  2. Yes both are a necessity

  3. not pepper. and only salt when it's needed.

  4. Salt yes, but  not pepper i don't like it..

  5. Nope, never but when I'm out in an italian restaurant and they ask you if you want fresh black pepper on your pasta I always go for that cos it's gorgeous!

  6. yes who doesn't

  7. most definitely!

  8. Only in the cooking process and then only pepper,

  9. Yeah....but I do try to use a salt substitue; 'Lo-Salt', and black pepper.

  10. Pepper sometimes but never salt

  11. I found that if I didn't use salt on my meals it didn't take long before I didn't need it. There is a family history of high blood pressure and I didn't want to take a chance. I've never heard that pepper does any harm, so I use it liberally.  I do like salt on a boiled egg though and I know I get a lot from canned soups and things like kippers.

  12. Yes but, I only add it when I am cooking the food, not after the food is served to me.

  13. I use pepper but not salt. unless it's chips, which isn't often. lots of pepper though.

  14. Actually have been cooking with vegetables and other foods with natural seasonings for salt and pepper flavor.

    Will use lemon pepper spice often.

  15. yes

  16. yupp!!!!

  17. yes i do........

  18. Yes almost all the time

  19. Yes I do, I love black pepper and I use sea salt as you don't need so much of it.

  20. ANSWER: Yes I do. It's called "Seasoning" and if the chef/cook hasn't seasoned it enough already to my liking then I always add more.

  21. Yes.

  22. I do not add salt and pepper when I cook I leave it up to the "eater". However when I have my meal on my plate I do toss some sailt on it. pepper not as much. The only time I salt and peper while I cook is when I am cooking eggs.

  23. Very rare  

  24. No i Dont use Pepper Just Salt i dont like pepper Hope i could Help Lol

  25. No I don't add extras to my food.

  26. pepper

    sometimes both.

  27. yes, I do !

  28. on ocassion

  29. Yes - far too much of both !

  30. No Salt.

    No Pepper.

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